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The purpose of this project is to recognize as many businesses in our local area as possible. The benefit of this project is to give a piece of history back to the community to enjoy for many years by displaying this community quilt throughout the county. Each quilt block made will be 10.5 x 10.5 inches and describe the participating businesses in our county and then combined to make one Jay County quilt. Our organization’s function will be to contact as many businesses and organizations as possible to encourage their participation. If the interest is great, we will create multiple quilts. To get the youth involved, local churches and schools will be contacted and encouraged to participate. Once blocks are completed, we will have a local quilter assemble the blocks into a quilt or quilts and donate it back to the community to enjoy.
Organization: Jay County Visitor and Tourism Bureau
County: Jay
Contact: Gyneth Augsburger, 260-726-3366,
Type: Non-profit
Project Number: IBC-CI-35