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Critical Incident Reporting

Per 440 IAC 1.5-2-2(e), some Critical Incidents Reports (CIR) require an initial notification within 24-hours of the occurrence, followed by the written CIR within 10-days of the occurrence date may be utilized to make your initial notification, and is acceptable to use the email in lieu of a verbal phone notification.

Please note, this email is not automatically encrypted. Include only the following information when using this email for CIR notifications:

  • Name of Facility
  • Type of Event. For example, a brief description of the type of qualifying event,  such as but not limited to the death of a patient or an internal or external disaster that resulted in disruption in services exceeding 4 hours.
  • The date(s) and time(s) applicable to the incident
  • Specific notation of the contact person along with their work phone number and email address.