The procurement of goods and services is a significant responsibility of a school food authority (SFA). Obtaining the most economical purchase should be considered in all purchases when using Federal funds. Federal, state, and local laws and regulations specify the procurement methods, terms, and conditions SFAs must follow to competitively procure goods and services, award contracts, and oversee contractor performance. The regulations can be found in 2 CFR Part 200 (specifically 200.318 – 200.326).
There are different requirements for large purchases ($150,000 and over) and small purchases (under $150,000) and the regulations must be followed for any purchases made using Child Nutrition funds. Any equipment purchase exceeding $10,000 must be approved by the State prior to making the purchase. There are also requirements that school food service departments have a written procurement plan on file outlining Federal and any local requirements. Below you will find various resources about the procurement requirements. We are currently conducting procurement reviews on the same schedule as Administrative Reviews, so those schools that are up for an Administrative Review will also be receiving a Procurement review the same year, though they are separate reviews. If you have additional questions, please email the SCN procurement mailbox at
For any procurement related questions, please contact SCN Procurement at,