- Workplace Specialist I
- Eligibility & Application
- Workplace Specialist I Training
- Mentors
- Convert WSI to WSII
- PDP for WSII
- WSII Renewal
I. Initial Workplace Specialist I License
- Allows individuals with occupational work experience in a specific vocational area to be qualified to teach in that specific vocational area in a career center, high school or within the Department of Corrections.
- This license is valid for two years.
- After successfully completing the Workplace Specialist I Teacher Training, passing the TABE exam, and completing a PDP (Professional Development Plan), the initial Workplace Specialist I License is converted to a Workplace Specialist II License, which is valid for five years.
II. Eligibility and Application
Eligibility for the Workplace Specialist I License
Workplace Specialist I: Initial (Two year license)
- Minimum requirement: High School Diploma. A first applicant must send in a photocopy.
- Must be twenty-one (21) years of age
- Employment in an accredited educational program to teach in a specific vocational area. If working through the Department of Corrections, the applicant must submit a letter on DOC letterhead indicating that employment will occur if license is obtained.
- Occupational experience** (Select one):
- 5,000 hours (about 2.5 years of experience) in the last five (5) years.
- 4,000 hours (about 2 years) in the past ten (10) years and demonstration of occupational competency test.
- 4,000 hours (about 2 years) in the past ten (10) years and evidence of occupational licensure or occupational proficiency based on approved regional, state, or national board training and evaluation.
- 4,000 hours (about 2 years) in the past ten (10) years and completion of an accredited 2-year or higher degree in the specific certification area
- 4,000 hours (about 2 years) in the past ten (10) years and completion of an apprenticeship or internship program.
**Note: All occupational experience must be verified by submitting letters from current or former employees specifying and considering the following:
- job titles and duties;
- hours worked per week;
- starting/ ending dates;
- the name and title of the employer;
- must be on company letterhead;
- only work experience in the certification area will be accepted;
- verification for self-employed: Submit the Profit/Loss statements from the federal income tax returns.
Applying for Initial Workplace Specialist I License in LVIS
Required Documents:
- Valid CPR card from IDOE approved provider
- Verification of Work Experience
- Proof of Suicide Prevention Training
III. Workplace Specialist I Training
Register for the Workplace Specialist I Teacher Training
Registration is available the middle of June through the beginning of August annually via The teacher is expected to complete the training during the first year, unless the teacher is hired after registration closes in early August. In this case, the teacher must register for the training the following year even though the teacher may be working under the Initial Workplace Specialist I License.
IV. Mentors and Director Information
- The director will appoint a mentor to work with the Workplace Specialist teacher.
- Mentor compensation will be at the discretion of the director. The director may compensate the mentor if funding is available. The director is responsible for maintaining copies of all mentor documents available on the mentors’ page of the website, which the mentor will be responsible to complete. For any questions on mentors please contact Shelley Rust at
- The mentor must be a practicing educator with five years of teaching experience.
- The mentor must work in the same building as the teacher.
- Mentors are not required to have been through the Indiana Mentor Training.
- The mentor does not have to teach in the same occupational area as the teacher.
- Directors and other administrators are not allowed to serve as mentors.
An up-to-date list of Career and Technical Area Centers and Director contact information can be found at:
Renewal of Initial Workplace Specialist I License:
The initial Workplace Specialist I License is valid for two years, and it may be renewed/extended for one (1) year only at the request of the director.
Download the PDF file Workplace Specialist I (WSI)
Renew Workplace Specialist I
V. Workplace Specialist I Convert to Workplace Specialist II
Upon successful completion of the Workplace Specialist I Teacher Training and all three content areas of the TABE exam, the teacher is ready to convert the Workplace Specialist I license to a Workplace Specialist II License. IDOE has a record of these teachers. In the event the teacher was deficient in one or more content areas of the TABE exam after multiple attempts, the teacher may enroll in an IDOE approved university course and earn a "B" or higher before converting the Workplace Specialist I License to a Workplace Specialist II License. Evidence of successful completion of the IDOE approved university course with a "B" or higher must be uploaded into the LVIS system during the conversion process. Information about the IDOE approved university courses can be found in the section below titled “University Courses to Satisfy TABE Requirements."
Download the PDF file Conversions of Workplace Specialist I to Workplace Specialist II. The teacher must work with the CTE director to create a PDP. The PDP will be kept in-house and will be used as a working document to track the teacher's professional development growth. Please see the Workplace Specialist homepage for PDP Guidelines and Forms for information and guidance.
Required Documents:
- Valid CPR card from IDOE approved provider
- Approved PDP
- Passing TABE scores or official transcripts of the approved university course with a grade of a "B" or higher or PPST or CASA scores
- Completion of the Workplace Specialist I Training
- NOTE: The Workplace Specialist I training coordinator will notify the IDOE regarding the teacher’s successful completion of the training. The teacher will need to wait one month prior to applying for the Workplace Specialist II conversion in LVIS to give IDOE adequate time for processing.
TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) Requirements
Workplace Specialist I teachers will be required to personally pay for and complete the following TABE exams at an approved testing center and earn a proficient scale score on all three exams:
- Form 11-12, Level D: Reading --NRS Level 4– Proficient Scale Score 536 or Higher
- Form 11-12, Level D: Mathematics --NRS Level 4– Proficient Scale Score 537 or Higher
- Form 11-12, Level D: Language --NRS Level 4– Proficient Scale Score 547 or Higher
Workplace Specialist I teachers may attempt the TABE exam as many times as needed during the training period until a proficient scale score is earned on all three exams. Teachers are encouraged to seek remediation via their career center and/or adult education center in areas of deficiency before future TABE exam attempts.
The testing center must provide the Workplace Specialist I teacher with evidence of TABE exam completion listing the scale score. This evidence will be scanned, converted to a PDF file, and uploaded into the Canvas learning management system used by Ball State University during the Workplace Specialist I training program.
For Workplace Specialist I teachers who are unable to earn a proficient scale score on the TABE exam after multiple attempts, they must personally pay for and complete a university course in each area of deficiency and earn a B or higher.
University Courses to Satisfy TABE Requirements
NOTE: Regardless of prior academic transcripts that may list the following Math, Reading, and Language coursework, all Workplace Specialist I teachers must still successfully complete the TABE requirements because the DOE needs an official record of each teacher’s current level of proficiency. If after multiple TABE attempts, the teacher is still deficient in one or more of the content areas, the teacher may complete the following university courses in each area of TABE deficiency and earn a B or higher. Teachers may upload university transcripts to LVIS at time of Workplace Specialist II conversion to verify the courses completed and grade earned.
Ivy Tech:
- Math: MATH 023, 080 (Note: 080 must be taken with the co-requisite MATH 118) or any 100 level or higher
- Reading: ENGL 083, 095 (Note: some 095 course sections may require this to be taken with an ENGL 111 co-requisite. If a teacher is deficient in Reading and Writing on the TABE, 095 will satisfy both deficiencies), or 100 level or higher
- Language: ENGL 093, 095, (Note: some 095 course sections may require this to be taken with an ENGL 111 co-requisite. If a teacher is deficient in Reading and Writing on the TABE, 095 will satisfy both deficiencies), or 100 level or higher
- Math: MATH 010 or 100 level or higher
- Reading: READ 009 or 100 level or higher
- Language: ENGL 009 or 011 or 100 level or higher
Other Universities:
- A 100 level or higher course from an accredited college or universities
PPST (Praxis 1) Scores to Satisfy TABE Requirements
PPST (Praxis 1) Minimum scores for the TABE are:
- PPST Reading 10710=176
- PPST Writing 20720=172
- PPST Mathematics 10730=175
- CASA Minimum equivalent scores for the TABE: 220 for all 3 batteries
*The PPST or CASA can be used to meet TABE requirements, regardless of whether they were taken before or after the TABE. If taken beforehand and the required scores are achieved, they may replace the TABE. PPST scores will be sent directly from ETS Praxis to IDOE and uploaded to your LVIS account.
If you do not see your scores within your LVIS account after 60 days, or if you took the CASA exams before the transition to Praxis - please submit a test score request under “My Profile” in your LVIS account.
VI. Workplace Specialist II PDP
Along with the CTE director, the teacher will create a PDP. The PDP will be stored "in-house" and will be utilized as a working document to track the professional development growth. Please see the Workplace Specialist homepage for PDP Guidelines and Forms for information and guidance.
Workplace Specialist PDP Guidelines and Forms
Both old and new PDP's should be provided to the WS teacher's CTE director for authorization. Both forms must have the appropriate authorization lines signed by both the teacher and the director (not another administrator). All supporting documentation (verifying activities completed) as indicated by the PDP point chart must be provided to the CTE director prior to review and authorization of completed PDP's. Only listing the activities without official verifying documents will not be sufficient. Do not send any PDP's to the former university representatives!
Point Chart and License Application Information
Download the PDF file PointChart
Point Conversions:
1 contact hour = 1 point
1 CRU = 2 contact hours = 1 point
1 CEU = 1 contact hour = 1 point
1 Semester credit hour = 15 contact hours = 15 points
1 Quarter credit hour = 10 contact hours = 10 points
Alternative conversion for the above established policies will require supporting documentation.
PDP Forms and Helpful Information Links
The items below are acceptable for help with PDP and are to be used as guidelines.
*If the electronic signature on the above documents fails in your Adobe Reader, please print and sign it manually. Then you may turn it in to your CTE Director.