I. Architectural & Historical Category
- National Register Nominations for identified Historic Districts;
- Architectural/Engineering Plans and Specifications for the future rehabilitation of properties that are currently listed in the National Register of Historic Places;
- Feasibility Studies and other Planning Documents related to the future rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of properties that are currently listed in the National Register of Historic Places;
- Public Education Initiatives, Programs, Workshops, and Training Events Related to Preservation;
- Publications and Brochures for Projects and Topics Related to Preservation.
Grant requests in this category can range from $5,000 to $50,000 and are subject to a 50/50 matching ratio. Approximately 15% of available HPF grant funding is awarded in this category.
II. Archaeological Category
- Phase I Archaeological Surveys on previously unsurveyed portions of DNR-owned properties including Fish & Wildlife Areas, Nature Preserves, State Forests, and State Parks.
- Phase I Archaeological Surveys that address data deficiency priorities identified by the DHPA.
- National Register nominations for eligible archaeological sites and resources.
Grant requests in this category can range from $10,000 to $50,000 and are subject to a 70/30 matching ratio.
Approximately 25% to 30% of available HPF grant funding is awarded in this category.
III. Acquisition & Development Category
High Priority Work Items:
- Stabilization, preservation, rehabilitation, or restoration of an endangered property.
Middle Priority Work Items:
- Preservation, rehabilitation, or restoration of a non-endangered property;
- Upgrades to utilities and mechanical systems for improved functionality, safety, and energy efficiency;
- Preservation or restoration of interior features of high cultural or artistic value.
Low Priority Work Items:
- Property acquisition;
- General interior rehabilitation or non-urgent exterior rehabilitation activities;
- Improvement of building access and egress.
Grant requests in this category can range from $10,000 to $75,000 and are subject to a 50/50 matching ratio. Approximately 55% to 60% of available HPF grant funding is awarded in this category.
All proposed rehabilitation work must conform to the applicable Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. All properties to be assisted with federal funds MUST already be listed in the National Register of Historic Places at the time of application. A federally required protective covenant must be placed on the property for either 5, 10, or 15 years, depending on the amount of the subgrant award.
Ineligible/Unallowable Work Items:
- New construction;
- Landscaping (other than grading necessary to correct site drainage problems);
- Directional and/or interpretive signage;
- Museum exhibits;
- Any work items at a property that is NOT listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Grant-assisted properties MUST be municipal or public facilities OR they must be quasi-public in nature, such as historical society buildings, house museums, religious properties, or other types of buildings that are normally open and available to the public on a regular basis. Finally, properties receiving grant funds MUST be non-income-producing. Note that income-producing properties may be eligible to receive state or federal rehabilitation tax credits instead of grant assistance; see the DHPA’s website for more information.