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Historic Preservation Fund Grant Recipients

Guidance for Current HPF Grant Recipients

Grant recipients will receive a copy of the DHPA's HPF Grants Manual when funding is awarded. This document explains the procedures and requirements of the grant program and the grant recipient's responsibilities. The instructions and forms in the manual provide step-by-step guidance to help grant recipients stay on track and successfully complete their projects.

Common topics, forms and requirements are listed below for easy reference. Please contact the DHPA Grant Staff with any questions.

HPF Grants Manual

HPF Grants Manual Forms

Grant Project Checklist: This checklist in the HPF Grants Manual is a step-by-step guide for completing your grant project. It cross-references sections of the manual for specific guidance and detailed instructions.

Roles of Project Personnel (PDF): This explanation clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the Project Coordinator and the Principal Investigator.

Acknowledgment Requirements (PDF): Grant products like technical reports, publications, and printed materials must contain a required acknowledgment of federal grant assistance. In addition, grant recipients writing press releases about their projects are required to include a brief acknowledgment of federal grant assistance.

HPF Subgrantee Progress Report (Word, PDF): Quarterly reports are due to the DHPA Grants Staff by July 10, October 10, January 10 and April 10 for the duration of your project. Use this form and attach separate pages, if necessary. Reports can be emailed, faxed, or sent by post mail.

HPF Reimbursement Request Form (PDF): Use this cover form to claim reimbursement from your grant funds. This form should be accompanied by appropriate and complete documentation of the 100% of the costs for your project (your funding ratio will be applied to that 100% documentation). For further explanation of the reimbursement process, review your HPF Grants Manual.

Time Work Record (PDF): If project sponsor staff or volunteers are being paid or providing match to the project, use the Time Work Record form to keep track of time worked on the project. Note the date, hours, and activity. On the top of the form, note whether the time is donated or paid. Paid time must be documented with a rate of pay (using a pay stub or other mechanism to determine an hourly rate).

Congressional Letters (PDF): At part of your grant project, you must send letters to Indiana’s two U.S. Senators and the U.S. Representative for the district in which the project is located. The information that should be included in your letter is provided here, as well as in the HPF Grants Manual.

Procurement: Bidding and Contracts

Procurement Guidelines and Requirements (PDF): What kinds of services must be bid out? What do bid documents need to include? How are we required to advertise or invite bidders? The Appendix in your HPF Grants Manual will answer all those questions and others. Here it is again to guide you in bidding and contracts.

Info on Contracts Exceeding $100,000 (PDF): If a contract that includes HPF funds will be over $100,000, it must be publicly advertised in area newspapers. The requirements for those contracts and advertisements are provided here (and can also be found in the  HPF Grants Manual, Appendix B  ).

Required Federal Language for Bids and Contracts (PDF): This boilerplate language MUST be included in all bid documents AND contracts. This is the “Full Version” that must be used for all bid documents, project manuals, and contracts. There is an “Abbreviated Version” which is ONLY allowed for newspaper advertisements, and you can find it in the document called, “Info on Contracts Exceeding $100,000.”

If you have any questions regarding bidding or contracts, contact the DHPA Grants Staff. Do not jeopardize your grant funding with improper procurement!

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