About the State Fire Marshal

The Indiana State Fire Marshal is appointed by the governor and serves as the director of the IDHS Division of Fire and Building Safety.
The marshal is responsible for overseeing fire prevention and protection services throughout the state. Additionally, the marshal oversees fire and explosion investigations, the Indiana Fire and Public Safety Academy and the radiation and hazardous materials sections.
The governor appointed Steve Jones as state fire marshal in 2022. Learn more about him

Data available for risk reduction efforts
Community risk reduction initiatives, such as the Indiana Community Risk Reduction Coalition, rely on data to help inform public safety agencies about the prevalence of different types of risks in different areas. Below are a few resources available to help in these efforts.
- Residential fire fatalities data for 2024 is now available. Explore the past six years of data on the Residential Fire Fatalities page.
- The Naloxone Administration Heatmap shows where opioid overdoses have occurred in Indiana and EMS providers have provided naloxone.
- Review annual Office of the State Fire Marshal data on the Data and Statistics page, including code enforcement inspections, fire investigations and hazmat and radiation data. The page also provides links to fire and EMS incident data.
Data reporting system to change from NFIRS to NERIS
The long-time system used for reporting fire department data across the country (National Fire Incident Reporting System, or NFIRS) is being replaced by the National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS). Read the following to learn more.
Plainfield high-rise tower to serve as fire training hub; more new training locations announced
State Fire Marshal Steve Jones and Indiana Department of Corrections leadership broke ground on a new training site during a ceremony in Plainfield in late 2024. At the ceremony, IDHS announced the next phase of the Hub-and-Spoke Training plan, where five new training towers will be built in central and southern Indiana. These sites continue the expansion of state-sponsored locations to help eliminate "training deserts" across Indiana.