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Local Emergency Planning Committees

Local Emergency Planning Committees


Map of Indiana counties with color-coded districts with numbers and people's contact info
IDHS LEPC Program Managers (select for contacts)

About Local Emergency Planning Committees

Main Functions

Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) report directly to their LEPC chairperson and the Indiana Emergency Response Commission (IERC). The two main functions of LEPCs are:

  • Develop and manage the emergency response plans pertaining to accidental chemical releases from facilities.
  • Distribute information to the general public.
LEPC Emergency Plans

The LEPC emergency response plan must contain the nine listed planning elements as required under federal and state law. The plan must be reviewed and updated by the LEPC annually at a minimum. The plan must also include the required annual updates and incorporate reviewer comments on prior submissions. The plan and/or plan updates must be approved by LEPC vote at a meeting with a quorum of members. The LEPC emergency plan shall be an appendix to the hazard specific annex in a county EMA's EOP.

Map of Indiana counties with color-coded districts with numbers and people's contact info
IDHS LEPC Staff (select for contacts)

Guides and Resources

LEPC Gallery

Take a look at a few recent LEPC events.

  • Allen County LEPC - Exercise
    September 2024

    Man speaking at table discussion

    Three men discuss in small group

    Group looks at laptop on table

    Allen County LEPC - Exercise
    September 2024

    Man speaking at table discussion

    Three men discuss in small group

    Group looks at laptop on table