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ADA & Title 6 Nondiscrimination

Americans with Disabilities Act


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990 and provides civil rights protection to disabled individuals, guaranteeing equal opportunities in:

  • Employment
  • Public accommodations
  • State and local government services
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation

Congress enacted this law to provide a "clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities." Title II of the ADA requires all state and local public agencies that receive federal funding or have more than 50 employees to complete a self-evaluation and corresponding Transition Plan, establish an ADA Coordinator and adopt grievance procedures for discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities.

Transition Plan & Self-Evaluation

The Spencer County Board of Commissioners adopted an updated limited ADA Transition Plan on September 6, 2016. The Spencer County Board of Commissioners will adopt a complete ADA Transition Plan by December 2017 which will include a comprehensive self-evaluation of all county buildings and facilities to determine the extent to which individuals with disabilities may be restricted from access to county facilities. Spencer County will continue to work toward compliance by evaluating the barriers identified in this plan, developing a schedule to eliminate those barriers contingent upon available funding, and periodically updating the plan showing progress toward compliance.

Public Viewing & Involvement Opportunities

Spencer County's ADA Transition Plan is available for public viewing on this website and in the Auditor’s Office at the Spencer County Courthouse. Anyone that would like to comment on the Transition Plan can submit their comments to the ADA Coordinator listed. Public comment opportunities are also available during regularly scheduled Commissioners' meetings.

Grievance Policy

Spencer County has created a Grievance Policy to assist individuals who believe they have been discriminated against based on their disability.

Title 6 Nondiscrimination


Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), as amended, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 clarified and restored the intent of Title 6 by specifying that recipients of Federal funds must comply with civil rights in all areas, not just in the particular program or activity that received Federal funding. As a recipient of Federal aid from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), Spencer County's responsibilities are to have, adhere to, and update annually, a Title 6 Implementation Plan, to have a Title 6 Coordinator, and to have a complaint procedure for discrimination against qualified individuals.

Implementation Plan & Policy

Spencer County values each individual's civil rights and wishes to provide equal opportunity and equitable services for the citizens of Spencer County. As a continual and ongoing effort to comply with Title VI and all related statutes, regulations, and directives as required by FHWA and INDOT, the Spencer County Board of Commissioners approved a Title VI Implementation Plan and Policy on December 20, 2016. This plan will continue to be updated periodically to show progress toward compliance.

Complaint Process

As a part of the new Title 6 Implementation Plan and Policy, Spencer County will create a Title 6 Complaint Process to assist individuals who believe they have been subjected to discrimination. Once this plan has been adopted information about the Title 6 Complaint Process will be made available on this website.


Kay Erwin - ADA and Title 6 Coordinator
Email: ADA and Title 6 Nondiscrimination

Spencer County Courthouse

Physical Address
200 Main Street, Room 6
Rockport, IN 47635
Phone: (812) 649-4376
