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A note from Melissa Bunner, the Auditor of Spencer County.

Welcome to the Spencer County Auditor's website! The Auditor serves as the Chief Financial Officer for the County and has five (5) primary duties:

  1. Accounting for all of the county's funds.
  2. Accounts Payable - Paying all of the county's bills.
  3. Payroll / Benefits - Paying all of the county's employees.
  4. Oversee and disburse county, city, town, libraries, and school tax distributions.
  5. Processes all property deductions, transfers, splits, and re-finances.

The Auditor also works closely with the County Council, County Commissioners, as well as every County Official, elected or appointed.


Melissa L Bunner


(812) 649-6004



(812) 649-6003


Accounts Receivable

(812) 649-6002


Property Information

(812) 649-6001

Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable

(812) 649-6000


All Other Inquiries

(812) 649-4376

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Public Document Center

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Online Deduction Forms

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Code of Ordinances

Adopted September 5, 2023

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You may now access information about upcoming Spencer County Tax sales online. Visit the SRI homepage, if you like, you may skip the intro. Select Spencer County from the drop down box on the left side of the screen and click on GO!. Any upcoming sales will be listed on the left side of the screen, merely click on the property list to see a listing of properties coming up for sale.

  • Sales Disclosure Form
  • Homestead Credit
    IC 6-1.1-20.9-1 through 6. Property must be in owners name and be the principal place of resident as of March 1st. Deduction must be filed by June 10th. This is a one time filing unless status changes. Auditor is to be notified within sixty days of any change. The standard Deduction reduces the value up to 35,000 with an additional percentage taken off the net tax. Also mobile homes are eligible with a March 1st filing deadline.
  • Mortgage or Recorded Contract
    IC 6-1.1-12-1 through 8. If you have a recorded mortgage or contract with a balance of at least 3,000 by March 1, the filing deadline for the deduction is June 10th. This is a one time filing except when the mortgage has been re-financed. The deduction is 3,000 off the assessed value or 1/2 the assessed value if said value is less than 3,000.
  • Age 65 Deduction
    IC 6-1.1-12-9 through 10.1 If you are 65 or older before 12/31, your adjusted gross income on your Federal Income Tax Return is less than $25,000, and the value of all real property is less than $144,000 you may apply by June 10th for an age deduction. You must bring a copy of your Federal Income Tax return when applying. The taxable value of the property is reduced by a maximum amount of $12,480.
  • Disabled Veteran
    IC 6-1.1-12-13 through 15. An individual who served in the Military forces who received an honorable discharge and is at least 10% disabled is eligible to file by June 10th for real property, by March 2 for personal property. The disability must be evidenced by a pension certificate, pension check or award stating the disability (Form 20-5455).

Coming Soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Auditor's Office

200 Main Street, Room 6
Rockport, IN 47635
Phone: (812) 649-6004
Fax: (812) 649-6005

Hours: Monday-Friday 8-4pm