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Spencer County Treasurer Elaine Jones would like to remind Spencer County taxpayers that the tax bills will be mailed out by April 9, 2025. This is the only bill you will receive for the year. Both Spring and Fall coupons are in this mailing.

Taxes Due: Spring payments May 12, 2025 and Fall payments November 10, 2025.

Acceptable payments are check, credit card, or money order made out to the Spencer County Treasurer. Also, you can pay by cash at the Treasurer’s Office. Our hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Monday through Friday.

If you choose to use a credit card, please call 1-812-649-1755 or (note there is an underscore between in and spencer, in the web address) A 2.90% convenience fee will be added. Discover, Mastercard, American Express and Visa are accepted.

Mailed payments: Detach and return with the Spring coupon by the due date. Return both Spring and Fall coupons when paying full year. Enclose a self-addresses stamp envelope for a validated receipt. Otherwise, your cancelled check will serve as your receipt. Mail to the following address:

Spencer County Treasurer
200 Main Street, Room 7
Rockport, IN 47635

Payments may also be dropped in the drop box outside of the Courthouse at the west side entrance. (River side)

QR code
Located on the front of the bills will be a QR code for your convenience. Open the camera on your device, hover over the QR code, and click on the link that will be displayed. That will take you directly to the site where you can pay your bill.

Payment is considered on time when postmarked by the U.S. Post Office by the due date. You must have sufficient funds in your checking account at the time we present your check to the bank, or your tax payment is void.

If you would like to look at your tax bill now, it can be accessed through the following website.
When it opens click on Spencer County.
Input either your name, address or parcel number then click on the search button.
Once it comes up, click on the money symbol that is located on the on right side of your information.
Your tax bill as well as your appraisal information will appear.

Spencer County Treasurer

Elaine Jones

The Office of the County Treasurer is a constitutional office. The constitution of Indiana statutory law provides the election of a treasurer in each county of the State of Indiana to collect taxes, and to be custodian for all money belonging to the County.

The Treasurer being the custodian of all county monies also investments same. It is the policy of the Spencer County Treasurer to invest the public funds in a manner, which will provide the highest investment return with the maximum security while meeting the daily cash flow demands on the various funds and conforming to all statutes and other laws governing the investment of public funds at the County level.

After assessments are provided to the County Auditor from the assessing officials, the Auditor takes those assessed values along with the tax rates that have been set by the County Council and figures the taxes for all real and personal property. The Treasurer then is responsible for the mailing of tax statements for collection and distribution of all taxes generated within Spencer County taxing units.

The taxing units are the State of Indiana, Spencer County. All townships, School Corporations

Within the county Libraries, City of Rockport and all other small towns in the county.

Services & Duties

  • Property Tax
  • Mobile Home Permits
  • Tax Sale Information
  • Inheritance Taxes
  • Posting Collections on Computer and Ledgers
  • Monthly balances with various banks and Auditors office


  • 4 years elected two-term limit within 12 years.

Chief Function of the County Treasurer

To collect and retain custody of and dispense county funds.

Most noted for mailing property tax statements and collection of property tax.

Furnishes clearances for:

  • Alcoholic Beverage licenses
  • Mobile home moving or transfers of ownership
  • Responsible for the collection of delinquent taxes
  • Responsible for keeping a record of current property owners addresses
  • Responsible for investments of any idle funds

Elaine Jones


Jenny Freeman

Deputy Treasurer

Kim Seiler

Deputy Treasurer

Frequently Asked Questions

Treasurer's Office

200 Main St, Room 7 (Second Floor)
Rockport, IN 47635
Phone: (812) 649-4556
Phone: (812) 649-6007
Phone: (812) 649-6008
Fax: (812) 649-6009

Toll Free: (800) 975-8813