Parke County is home to Indiana's largest festival, the famous Parke County Covered Bridge Festival, which attracts an estimated 1,250,000+ visitors over ten days, beginning on the second Friday of each October. The size and scope of such an event in a rural setting creates considerable public safety, health and sanitation expenses that are offset, in part, by TML licensure fees.
As in the past, there will not be a fee assessed for any festival or event EXCEPT for the Parke County Covered Bridge Festival. The license fee for each TML for the Parke County Covered Bridge Festival will be $100, plus a $20 processing fee for vendors who do not live in Parke County and/or pay property taxes in Parke County. There is no cost in obtaining a TML for any other event or festival in Parke County, however a TML is always required. It must remain prominently displayed for the entirety of the festival or event. If a vendor has more than one booth, tent, stall or space in different locations, a TML is required for each location. If a vendor has two booths in the same structure, only one TML is required. A structure is permanent or semi-permanent and is not considered a tent, parking lot, or any open space. A separate application is required for each TML needed.
All Parke County Covered Bridge Festival vendors will be assessed a $50 late penalty for any application postmarked or received in person after September 15th, 2025. Incomplete applications and applications mailed with inadequate fees not rectified before the 9/15/25 deadline will also be assessed the late penalty. Qualified Indiana Veterans are exempt from both, the license fee and the processing fee, but will be assessed a $50 late penalty for any application not postmarked by or received after 9/15/25. This is an Indiana law (IC 25-25-2-1), therefore you must be a resident of Indiana to qualify, and those who qualify must provide a copy of their DD-214 to receive the exemption.
Payment of the cost for the TML, processing fee, and any late fees must be submitted in the form of a cashier’s check, money order, or cash/credit/debit card in the office. Business checks and personal checks will not be accepted. Do not send cash through the mail. Make cashier’s checks and money orders payable to the Parke County Auditor. We are not responsible for applications or payments lost in the mail.
Use the link above to download the 2025 Parke County Transient Merchant License application in PDF format. You may either complete the application electronically and return it via email along with a credit card authorization form to, or you may print the application, complete it by hand, and return it via mail with your payment to the address below. When filling out your application by hand, you must make sure your information is legible. Illegible applications will not be processed nor will we be able to process your application without receipt of proper licensure fees. If submitting your application by mail, please include the appropriate fee amount with your application. Use the pricing flow chart below to help you determine what fees will be due for your 2025 Parke County Transient Merchant License. The "Handmade/Homemade" exemptions are no longer issued as a Blanket exemption and new rules are in place to qualify for said exemption. Applications for a "Handmade/Homemade" exemption will be considered on a case by case basis and the Exemption is not guaranteed.
Important notice to Parke County Covered Bridge Festival Landowners:
As of 2024 the Parke County Auditor started enforcing Ordinance 2020-16 . Landowners are responsible for ensuring the vendors on their land have a TML. Landowners will be penalized, if a vendor, renting space from them on their land, does not have a TML. A fine of $500 shall be imposed per occurence per day. This will continue in 2025. Please contact the Parke County Auditor's office for questions.
Parke County Auditor's Office
116 West High Street
Rockville, Indiana 47872
765-569-3422 telephone
765-569-4037 fax