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The Health Department is located on the basement level, Room 12, of the Parke County Courthouse. The general office phone number is 765-569-6665. The office hours and varied responsibilities make it difficult to have all staff in the office at all times, so we ask that you call the office to make an appointment whenever possible to ensure that you are not inconvenienced by our hectic office schedules.
The mailing address for the Parke County Health Department is:
Parke County Health Department
116 W. High St., Room 12
Rockville, IN 47872
Local Health Department guidance and application documents can be downloaded by selecting the document you need from the bottom of this page. We are now accepting credit/debit card payments for applications, permits, and services over the phone. There is a credit/debit card authorization form if you would like to pay for permits, certificates, or services with a card. Fee information for this service is detailed in this form as well.
The Sanitarian/Health Inspector can be reached at their work cellphone at 765-592-5705, office number 765-569-4071, or email Office hours are typically 8 AM to 3 PM, Monday to Friday. It's recommended to call ahead to confirm availability before visiting.
For Clerk/Registrar needs please contact the office at 765-569-6665 from 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday. These hours may change based on departmental or community needs.
The sanitarian/food inspector is responsible for the Environmental Health Division of the Parke County Health Department. The Environmental Health Division is broken down into three categories: Food Protection, Wastewater, and General Environmental.
The Food Protection Program inspects, regulates, and issues permits to all food establishments including restaurants, bed & breakfast establishments, certified kitchens, caterers, farmer’s market vendors that are not home-based, temporary and mobile food establishments operating in Parke County per Food Protection Ordinance No 4, Parke County Indiana and 410 IAC 7-24. Further information regarding rules and regulations in Indiana may be found at
The Wastewater program inspects, regulates, and issues permits for all residential septic systems per 410 IAC 6-8.2. All repairs to septic systems and installations of septic systems require a permit from the health department. Further information concerning rules and regulations can be found at
The General Environmental program manages tourist homes, well water safety, meth homes, environmental complaints, public pools, and campgrounds (that are not regulated by the Indiana State Department of Health).
The clerk/registrar is responsible for the Vital Records Division of the Parke County Health Department and can answer general questions about many aspects of the Health Department. The Vital Records program issues birth certificates for individuals born in Parke County and death certificates for individuals who died in Parke County. See below for applications for birth and death certificates as well as a genealogy application. To receive a certified certificate via mail, send a completed application with a self-addressed, postage-stamped envelope, and form of payment.