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Emergency Management

Rob Gambill

Clay County Emergency Management Director
609 E National Ave, Room 205
Brazil, IN 47834
Phone: (812) 448-8400

Duties of the EMA Director:

  • Identify and analyze the effects of hazards that threaten the jurisdiction.
  • Keep the chief executive of the jurisdiction fully informed on emergency management activities.
  • Work closely on a cooperative basis with departments of local government and community organizations in developing emergency management plans and capabilities.
  • Work with local officials in the development of a hazard mitigation program to eliminate or reduce potential hazards.
  • Inventory manpower and material resources from governmental and private sector sources that would be available in an emergency.
  • Identify resource deficiencies and work with appropriate officials on measures to correct them.
  • Develop an emergency Operating Center (EOC) as a site from which key officials can direct and control operations during an emergency.
  • Develop and maintain emergency communications systems.
  • Establish a system to alert key public officials and warn the public in the event of an emergency.
  • Establish an emergency public information system.
  • Develop continuity of government procedures and systems.
  • Establish and maintain a shelter and reception and care system.
  • Develop a training program for emergency response personnel.
  • Develop a public education program.
  • Develop a tests and exercise program.
  • Assist in the establishment of mutual aid or cooperative assistance agreements to provide needed services, equipment, or other resources in the event of an emergency.
  • Coordinate with industry to develop industrial emergency plans and capabilities in support of local government plans.
  • Prepare, submit, and justify the annual emergency management budget.
  • Secure technical and financial assistance available through State and Federal programs.

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