The elective office of County Recorder was the first local office created by the Constitution of the state of Indiana in 1816. It is the primary duty of the county recorder to record instruments submitted for recording and maintains those records for perpetuity. Documents for statistical record keeping purposes fall into four categories: deeds and other conveyances, mortgages and other liens and their releases, miscellaneous documents and uniform commercial code documents. The office goal is to provide efficient service to the public in a way that exemplifies the highest standards of courtesy, cost effectiveness and ethical performance as well as to make public records readily accessible to citizens in a convenient manner while safeguarding the security of those records.
Documents Recorded
Recording Fees
Mortgages (including Subordinate Mortgages) and re-recorded mortgages | $55.00 |
Deeds and all other instruments, including re-recorded instruments (fee includes 1 oversize page) | $25.00 |
Additional pages exceeding 8 1/2" 14" with in any document shall be charged: | $5.00 each |
Mechanic's Lien including one mailout Each additional mailout |
$25.00 $2.00 |
For counties accepting multiple transaction documents (a/k/a blanket documents) | $25.00 |
Plus for each additional cross reference after the first | $7.00 each |
Uniform Commercial Code:
$9.00 $13.00 |
$9.00 $13.00 |
| $10.00
$5.00 |
Copies 11"x17" or smaller, per page | $1.00 |
Copies larger than 11"x17", per page | $5.00 |
Certification of Document | $5.00 |