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eCivis Implementation Information

Grantee Pre-Award Training

Tuesday, August 8, 2023 - Grantee Systems Overview *

Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - Grantee Pre-Award Session 1 *

Thursday, August 24, 2023 - Grantee Pre-Award Session 2 *

Wednesday, August 30, 20023 - Grantee Pre-Award Office Hours *

Grantee Post-Award Training

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - Grantee Post-Award Training Session 1 *

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - Grantee Post-Award Training Session 2 *

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - Grantee Post-Award Training Office Hour *

* video only available to internal participants


July 16, 2024: Get Ready...Grantor is Here! - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

April 16, 2024: Seeking Another Next Level - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

January 17, 2024: NextLevel Grants Management Enters New Phase - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

December 19, 2023: 2023 Look Back & 2024 Look Ahead - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

November 28, 2023: eCivis User Lists - Getting the Right People on the Bus - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

November 14, 2023: Business Processes - Putting it all Together - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

October 24, 2023: I have my grant award. Now what? - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

October 11, 2023: Grantee Active Award Uploads are Underway - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

September 19, 2023: How do I find my grant in eCivis? - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

August 29, 2023: NextLevel Grants Management is on the Web - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

August 15, 2023: How do I get my grant approved by SBA? - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

August 8, 2023: Attention Indiana Grant Subrecipients! - Introducing eCivis - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

July 20, 2023: Introducing eCivis – The Next Step in Grants Management - Adobe PDF | Alt Text

To Subscribe, please click here, enter your email address and select "SBA eCivis OCM".

Grantee Active Award Upload Schedule

An active award is a grant, state match, or substate transfer, as a grantee, with a federal funding source and an active project period ending after October 1, 2023.  Agencies with active awards will work with State Budget Agency to collect active award data, and the data will be uploaded to eCivis in the Grant Awarded stage.  Grantee active awards will be uploaded to eCivis in cycles of about 200 active awards per cycle according to the following schedule.

Implementation of eCivis’ grantor functions at all remaining agencies will begin in August 2024.  Fifteen grantor solicitations are implemented at one time, so the grantor implementation schedule for remaining agencies will be phased over time.  The specific phased schedule will be announced in early 2024.

Grantor Implementation Schedule

Grantor implementation is organized into 16 cycles. Cycles 1-5 are complete. Cycle 6 is underway. Planning for Cycle 7 has begun.
The remaining nine cycles are scheduled to provide training as close in time as possible to the target solicitation date. Accordingly, several agencies will be in more than one cycle.

During each Grantor Implementation Cycle, training staff from eCivis will provide hands-on guidance as agencies learn how to build, publish, and evaluate solicitations in eCivis. Each Grantor Implementation Cycle is 7-weeks in duration. In the first half of the training sessions, eCivis training staff will demonstrate how to build a solicitation. Over the second half of the training sessions, agencies will build solicitations for their own programs. At the end of the 7-weeks, agencies will have solicitations ready for publication.

The Grantor Implementation Schedule by agency is listed below. A program-specific schedule can be found here.

Grantor Implementation schedule

Grantor Implementation schedule

Grantor is Here!

All State Agencies will use eCivis to manage Grantor activities

In the eCivis vernacular, when an agency distributes funding to subrecipients, that agency is acting as a grantor.  All agencies will use eCivis: 1) to make subawards of federal funds to subrecipients, and 2) to manage state-funded grants.  eCivis will be the platform for all agency activities in the grantor lifecycle, including: creating funding solicitations, building applications, reviewing applications, monitoring subrecipients, and closing out subawards.

During each Grantor Implementation Cycle, training staff from eCivis will provide hands-on guidance as agencies learn how to build, publish, and evaluate solicitations in eCivis.  Each Grantor Implementation Cycle is 7-weeks in duration.

In the first half of the training sessions, eCivis training staff will demonstrate how to build a solicitation.  Over the second half of the training sessions, agencies will build solicitations for their own programs. At the end of the 7-weeks, agencies will have solicitations ready for publication.  SBA also has Grantor training materials and Grantor process guidance to support agencies.

SBA’s Grants Management Team can help you prepare your subrecipients to successfully use eCivis. The Grants Team can develop and execute a Subrecipient Communications Plan for informing your subrecipients of the eCivis implementation, including writing newsletter blurbs, presenting information briefings, and crafting language for your agency’s website.

SBA Grants Management Team will provide eCivis training for your subrecipients, including virtual training sessions, in-person work shops, and virtual office hours. Office Hours will be structured around specific topics, with opportunities for questions and dialogue, for both state agencies and their subrecipients. More information on Grants Management Team Office Hours can be found on the Grants Management Workshops section of the SBA website.

And, don’t forget that the Grants Management section of the SBA website contains Resources for Subrecipients. Agencies can easily direct their applicants and subrecipients to these resources by including a link in the agency’s solicitation.