Nursing Licensing Information
- Professions
- Nursing Home
- Current: Nursing Licensing Information
- Licensed Practical Nurse or Registered Nurse [ Exam | Endorse | Compact | Renew | Reinstate]
- Nurse Midwife [ Apply | Renew | Reinstate]
- Prescriptive Authority for APRN [ Apply | Collaborative Agreement | CEU | Renew | Reinstate]
- Controlled Substance Registration [ Apply | Update | Renew | Reinstate]
- Fee Schedule
- Board 's Address
Apply Online with MyLicenseOne
You will either need to register for or login to your Access Indiana account. Please read the below application instructions carefully. If you are applying for any license type that requires a prerequisite (Example: Applying for an APRN requires that you have an Active Registered Nurse License or a Pending Registered Nurse Application submitted) you must first link that record before you start a new application in MyLicense One. Just select "Don't see your License? Click here to Search for it." from the MyLicense One Dashboard.
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN)
- Initial LPN or RN License by Examination
If you have previously held a license as a Nurse in Indiana and are applying again for the same license type, please refer to the Renew LPN or RN license for reactivating your previous license.
If you currently have an active license from another US Jurisdiction, please refer to the Initial LPN or RN License by Endorsement.
To take the NCLEX exam, there are two types of applications to be completed: the Indiana State licensure application and the NCLEX registration. Both processes must be completed before eligibility to take the examination can be granted by the Indiana State Board of Nursing.
Foreign Nursing School Graduates - Please review the Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools in addition to the application instruction/information below.
State Licensure Application
All applications not completed within one year will be considered abandoned, and a new application and fee will need to be submitted to restart the process.
- Submit an Application by Examination
The application fee for a single state LPN or RN license is $50.00. This fee can be paid by a credit or debit card.
Applicants may request a Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) in addition to the primary license during the application process for an additional $25.00 fee. Please refer to the Nurse Licensure Compact Information in addition.
Please be advised that applications cannot proceed until all fees have been paid.
All application fees are Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable. - Criminal Background Check: Applicants are required to complete the fingerprinting/criminal background check for every new Application submitted to the Indiana Board of Nursing for licensure.
Effective 01/06/2023, all registration for the Criminal Background Check process must use a service code.
License Type
Service Code
Licensed Practical Nurse
Registered Nurse
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer “Yes” to any questions on the Application, a personal statement that explains fully is required. Please include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition, and submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement where applicable. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). The statement and all supporting documents must be uploaded via your MyLicenseOne account.
- Name Change Documentation: Provide all legal name change documents if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate, divorce decree, or legal name change document.
Document(s) can be uploaded via your MyLicenseOne account or emailed to
- GED/High School Education: High school information (name and graduation date) will need to be entered on the online Application.
If you did not complete high school, a copy of your GED scores must be submitted via mail, email, or uploaded to the online Application.
- Nursing Education: The nursing program information must be entered on the Application.
After graduation, a Certificate of Completion must be completed by the Dean, Director, or Designee of a domestic nursing program with an original signature and sent directly to the Board’s address via mail or digitally.
Effecting August 1st, 2021, Certificate of Completion must be sent to the Board directly from the Nursing school. We are no longer accepting Certificates of Completion submitted by the applicants.
If the institution where you completed the nursing program was closed, a transcript must be requested from the State Archives to be sent directly to the Board’s address.
- Verification of Licensure: Official verification(s) from all US States, Territories, and countries where you hold or have held a license in a health profession, regardless of its current status, must be submitted.
- For Nursing License(s) from states participating in NURSYS, you can request verification at using the Nurse License Verification for Endorsement option. Please note that Nursys will not send verification if the “Quick Confirm” option is used. Report through Nursys E-Notify or Nursys’ Speed Memo will not be accepted in place of License Verification(s).
- Licenses from Jurisdictions not using the NURSYS program will need to be sent directly to the Board’s Address via mail or email. Please contact each State and territory to see if this service has a fee.
- You must also verify all health-related licenses and certificates you hold, including but not limited to CNA licenses, EMT certifications, LPN while applying for RN, etc.
Verification needs to be sent from every State and Territory where you hold or have ever held a nursing license, whether the license is active or not.
Citizenship Documentation for Non-US Citizens: if you are not a US citizen, please provide documentation from USCIS that shows proof of your qualified alien status or documentation indicating you are authorized by the federal government to work in the United States. These documents can be uploaded via your MyLicenseOne account or emailed to the Board’s address.
NCLEX Registration & Information
The NCLEX registration process must be completed according to the instructions in the NCLEX Candidate Bulletin. You may register by mail, telephone (1-866-496-2539), or online at The current fee for the NCLEX is $200.00, payable to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check, or money order.
If you’re also requesting accommodation on your Application to the State, the NCLEX registration process must be completed, and the Exam fee must be fully paid before the accommodation can be sent to Pearson Vue. If you have already scheduled an Exam appointment with the current Authorization to Test(ATT), the appointment must be canceled before Accommodation information can be inputted.
Special Testing Accommodations
Applicants who require special accommodations or a modification of the normal examination procedures must notify the Board via mail or electronically and submit the following items:
- A signed letter identifying the diagnosis or Form A - completed by a qualified healthcare provider with expertise in the area of the diagnosed disability or interpretation of results.
- A signed letter or Form B - completed by the applicant’s Nursing program identifies the accommodations provided during nursing school. If no prior testing accommodations were provided, the applicant might so indicate by signing the bottom of Form B.
- A signed letter of request or Form C - completed by the applicant with a statement to explain the nature of the disability and the specific accommodation(s) being requested.
Forms for all three required documents above with printable instructions are provided in this packet. The applicant, healthcare provider, and nursing program representative may also each provide their required information in signed letters instead. Applicants are solely responsible for any costs that may incur in obtaining the required documentation.
Please note that all accommodation requests are subject to the Board’s approval and the Testing site’s availabilities. In order to grant testing accommodations, the Board must submit documentation to NCSBN after the initial reviewing process. Applicant must complete their NCLEX registration and pay the exam fee to Pearson Vue before such a procedure can occur.
Do not schedule an appointment to take the NCLEX until accommodations have been granted and listed on the ATT or you have received a finalized approval or denial of your accommodation request from a staff member.
Any modifications to granted accommodations must be submitted in writing with applicable documentation in a timely manner for processing and approval by the Board. If a test date has been set, the Exam appointment must be unscheduled before any modification can occur. If an ATT was granted prior to such modifications request, the ATT shall be retracted, and a new ATT will be issued with updated accommodations.
NCLEX Results
If you passed the NCLEX exam and satisfied all the requirements on the State Application, once your Application is approved, a copy of the license will be sent digitally to your registered email address. You may also print or order a physical copy via your online account.
If you were unsuccessful in your previous exam, a Candidate Performance Report (CPR) would be sent via email to you. If you wish to retake the exam through Indiana NRB, you might start the process by reapplying to the State.
You may reapply anytime but will not be allowed to re-test during a 45-day period from the date you last took the NCLEX.
For returning candidates who have had three (3) or more unsuccessful attempts or it has been ten (10) years or more since their nursing program completion, a Board Review procedure will be applied to determine the necessary course of action.
Temporary Permits
You may apply for a temporary permit while waiting to take the NCLEX exam provided that you have:
- completed all graduation requirements from a Board Approved/Accredited Nursing program
- submitted a pending application for licensure by Examination with the Indiana Nursing Board.
This temporary permit, however, will ONLY be issued upon your completion of all application requirements for licensure by Examination (e.g. complete background check, official certificate of completion is received, Board Review, etc.).
This temporary permit, upon issuance, will be valid for the SHORTER of 6 months OR until you take the NCLEX.
Upon you're passing the NCLEX, this permit will be Superseded after the permanent RN or LPN is issued.
If you're unsuccessful at the exam or didn't take the exam within the duration of this permit, the temporary will be Expired.
This temporary permit can NOT be renewed nor extended by the Board. It is NOT possible to reapply for this temporary permit if you already have/had/held a similar permit in the past.
To apply for this temporary permit, after submitting an application for licensure by Examination, online.
- Under the Menu, click on Initial Application
- Select "Nursing Board" option from the Profession drop-down
- Select "Temporary RN Permit" or "Temporary LPN Permit" from the License Type drop-down
- Select "Examination" from the Obtained By Method drop-down.
- Follow all the prompts to complete the application.
Additional Documentation
- Submit an Application by Examination
- Initial LPN or RN License by Endorsement/Reciprocity
If you have previously held a license as a Nurse in Indiana and are applying again for the same license type, please refer to the Renew LPN or RN license for reactivating your previous license.
If you have never obtained a license from another US Jurisdiction, please refer to the Initial LPN or RN License by Examination.
Applicants wishing to apply for licensure by Endorsement must hold an active license in at least one State or territory in the United States. If your license from another US Jurisdiction is not currently active, you must renew it before endorsing it to Indiana.
Foreign Nursing School Graduates - Please review the Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools in addition to the application instruction/information below.
State Licensure Application
All applications not completed within one year will be considered abandoned, and a new application and fee will need to be submitted to restart the process.
- File an Application for Endorsement: Applications may be submitted online.
The application fee for a single state LPN or RN license is $50.00. This fee can be paid by a credit or debit card.
Applicants may request a Temporary Permit for an additional $10.00 fee during the application process.
Applicants may request a Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) in addition to the primary license during the application process for an additional $25.00 fee. Please refer to the Nurse Licensure Compact Information in addition.
Please be advised that applications can’t be moved forward until all fees have been paid. All application fees are Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable.
- Criminal Background Check: Applicants are required to complete the fingerprinting/criminal background check for every new Application submitted to the Indiana Board of Nursing for licensure.
Effective 01/06/2023, all registration for the Criminal Background Check process must use a service code.
License Type
Service Code
Licensed Practical Nurse
Registered Nurse
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer “Yes” to any questions on the Application, a personal statement that explains thoroughly is required. Please include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition, and submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement where applicable. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). The statement and all supporting documents must be uploaded via your MyLicenseOne account.
Name Change Documentation: Provide all legal name change documents if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate, divorce decree, or legal name change document. Document(s) can be uploaded via your online account or emailed to
- Nursing Education: The nursing program information must be entered on the Application.
If your State of original licensure does not verify education for their applicants for other state boards of nursing, you will need to provide an official transcript from a State accredited program in nursing. The official copy of the transcript can be uploaded at the time of Application, mailed, or emailed to the Board’s Address.”
If the nursing program you completed were not previously approved by a State Board, the original transcripts would need to be submitted directly to the Board from the school for evaluation. All documentation must be in English.
If the school where you completed the nursing program was closed or terminated, please contact the State Archives and request for a copy of the transcript to be sent directly to the Board’s Address by mail or email.
- Verification of Licensure: Official verification(s) from all US States, Territories, and countries where you hold or have held a license in a health profession, regardless of its current status, must be submitted.
- For Nursing license(s) from states participating in NURSYS, you can request verification at using the Nurse License Verification for Endorsement option.
Please note that Nursys will not send verification if the “Quick Confirm” option is used. Report through Nursys E-Notify or Nursys’ Speed Memo will not be accepted as License Verification(s).
- Jurisdictions not using the NURSYS program will need to send license verification directly to the Board’s Address via mail or email. Please contact each State and territory to see if there is a fee for this service.
- You must also verify all health-related licenses and certificates you hold, including but not limited to CNA licenses, EMT certifications, LPN while applying for RN, etc.
Verification needs to be sent from every State and Territory where you hold or have ever held a nursing license, whether the license is active or not.
- For Nursing license(s) from states participating in NURSYS, you can request verification at using the Nurse License Verification for Endorsement option.
- Citizenship Documentation for Non-US Citizens: if you are not a US citizen, please provide documentation from USCIS that shows proof of your qualified alien status or documentation indicating you are authorized by the federal government to work in the United States. These documents can be uploaded to the online Application, mailed, or emailed to the Board’s Address.
Temporary Permits
According to IC 25-23-1-10.5 Temporary permits, you may apply for a temporary permit while waiting for your LPN or RN endorsement application to go through if you have:
- at least one(1) active license in another state or territory of the United States and
- a pending application for licensure by Endorsement with the Indiana Nursing Board.
The temporary permit can be applied during the application for licensure by Endorsement.
The temporary permit can also be applied afterward while your application for licensure by Endorsement is pending in your account by:
- Going under the Menu, then click on Initial Application
- Select "Nursing Board" option from the Profession drop-down
- Select "Temporary RN Permit" or "Temporary LPN Permit" from the License Type drop-dow
- Select "Application" from the Obtained By Method drop-down.
- Follow all the prompts to complete and pay the permit fee.
The temporary permit is valid for ninety (90) days after issuance.
The permit may be renewed or extended by the Board for a period not exceeding ninety(90) days if, in the determination of the Board, it is not possible to complete the application process in that period. To request an extension to your temporary permit, please email your request to All requests are subjected to the Board’s approval.
The statutes and rules do not allow more than one (1) temporary permit to be issued per pending endorsement application. For more information, please review the statutes and rules.
- File an Application for Endorsement: Applications may be submitted online.
- Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools
Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools International, Inc. (CGFNS) and National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES)
According to IC 25-23-1-11 (g) (3) for Registered Nurses and IC 25-23-1-12 (f) (3) for Licensed Practical Nurses, if you had graduated from foreign nursing schools (except for Canada - see below - Graduates of Canada Nursing Schools), in addition to all other requirements for licensure by Examination or Endorsement, you must submit documentation that you have:
- taken an examination prepared by the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools International, Inc. (CGFNS); and achieved the passing score required on the examination at the time the examination was taken(CP Examination); OR
- a satisfactory Credentials Evaluation Service Professional Report (CES) issued by CGFNS; OR
- a satisfactory VisaScreen Certificate verification letter; OR
- a satisfactory credential verification assessment from an organization member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services(NACES).
Please note that transcripts, evaluations from other Jurisdictions, or 3rd parties credentialing services (other than CGFNS) can not be accepted as a substitution for this requirement.
Graduates of Canada Nursing Schools
If you have never had a nursing license from another State and Territory of the United States, you must apply by Examination and:
- If you were not licensed in any Jurisdiction (United States or Canada) or have not taken and passed the NCLEX elsewhere, along with the required items for Application for licensure by examination, you must submit an official nursing school transcript that specifies theory and clinical experience in all areas OR either one of the documentations listed above that issued by CFGNS.
- If you were licensed in Canada, you must submit an official nursing school transcript that specifies theory and clinical experience in all areas AND verification of your original licensure issued by the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta or College of Nurses of Ontario showing that you have taken and passed one of the following examinations:
- National Council Licensing Examination (NCLEX)
- State Board Test Pool Examination (SBTPE)
- The English version of the Canadian Nurses Examination (CNATS)
If you have at least one active LPN or RN License from another State and Territory of the United States, you must:
- Apply for licensure by Endorsement and complete all application requirements.
- If your State of original licensure does not verify education for their applicants for other state boards of nursing, you will need to provide an official transcript that specifies theory and clinical experience in all areas to the Board for evaluation. All documentation must be in English. An official copy of the transcript can be uploaded at the time of Application, mailed, or emailed to the Board’s Address.
- If you were licensed in Canada, you must submit a verification of your original licensure issued by CARNA or CNO showing that you have taken and passed one of the following examinations:
- National Council Licensing Examination (NCLEX)
- State Board Test Pool Examination (SBTPE)
- The English version of the Canadian Nurses Examination (CNATS)
- Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) Information
The NLC, also known as the Compact or Multistate License(MSL), allows a nurse to hold one MSL in their primary State of residence (home state) while traveling and to practice over the state lines in all compact states across the country. For more information on the current participating states, please visit Nurse Licensure Compact at NCSBN.
Qualification for NLC in Indiana
To qualify for the NLC licensure, according to IC 25-42-3-3, Applicants must have their Primary State of Residence (PSOR) in Indiana and do not have any disqualifier, included but not limited to:
- Active discipline on a license
- Currently enrolled in an alternative program
- Have a misdemeanor conviction related to the practice of nursing
- Have a felony conviction on a state or federal level.
Applying for NLC in Indiana
All applications not completed within one year will be considered abandoned, and a new application and fee will need to be submitted to restart the process.
File an Application: Initial applicant (who has never had an Indiana LPN/RN single-state license) can apply for the NLC license. You can apply for the compact after you apply for your single state license at”
Current Indiana LPN or RN licensee can apply online.
The application fee for an NLC license is $25.00. This fee can be paid by a credit or debit card.
The compact application is a separate application from the single state application. The compact application must be applied for after the single state application.
Please be advised that applications can’t be moved forward until all fees have been paid. All application fees are Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable.
- Criminal Background Check: all applicants are required to complete the fingerprinting/criminal background check for new NLC Application submitted to the Indiana Board of Nursing for licensure. This is a requirement for the NLC Compact, and can not be waived no matter how long you have/had your primary LPN or RN nursing license.
Effective 01/06/2023, all registration for the Criminal Background Check process must use a service code.
License Type
Service Code
Licensed Practical Nurse Compact
Registered Nurse Compact
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer “Yes” to any questions on the Application, a personal statement that explains fully is required. Please include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition, and submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement where applicable. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). The statement and all supporting documents must be uploaded via your MyLicenseOne account.
Name Change Documentation: Provide all legal name change documents if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate, divorce decree, or legal name change document. Document(s) can be uploaded via your online account or emailed to
- Proof of Primary State of Residence: Please provide the required proof of Indiana as your current Primary State of Residence (PSOR) if your current mailing address is not in Indiana. The following are acceptable documents:
- Indiana Driver’s License with home address or
- W2 form or military form no. 2058 declaring/citing primary State of residence or
- Voter registration card with home address or
- Federal income tax return, including State of residence.
Change of Primary State of Residence (PSOR)
IC 25-42-4-3 and IC 25-42-4-4 set the requirement for a Nurse with an active compact license to update their license accordingly when there's a change in their PSOR.
Moving out of Indiana: if you have an active Indiana LPN/RN Compact license, whenever you’re moving out of Indiana, you must report your change of PSOR to the Board’s Address (mail or email). The multistate part of your Indiana LPN or RN compact license will then be deactivated to comply with the Statutes.
Moving back to Indiana: If you previously had an Indiana LPN or RN Compact license that is now under “Inactive” status, you can request to reactivate it whenever you’re moving back to Indiana.
You may submit a request with proof of PSOR to the Board’s Address (mail or email).
- Renew an LPN or RN License
Renewal of LPN Licenses: Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) licenses expire on October 31st of every even-numbered year, regardless of the issuance date. The renewal fee is $50.00. If you fail to renew by the expiration date, an additional $50.00 late fee will be accessed. You may renew online.
Renewal of RN Licenses: Registered Nurse (RN) licenses expire on October 31st of every odd-numbered year, regardless of the issuance date. The renewal fee is $50.00. If you fail to renew by the expiration date, you will be accessed a $50.00 late fee. You may renew online.
There is no CEU requirements for the renewal of LPN or RN licenses in Indiana.
Expired less than 3 years
Licenses that have expired less than 3 years may be renewed online. LPNs and RNs will renew online. All expired renewals will incur the late fee.Please note that the licensee must ensure the on-file email address is up-to-date. Renewal notifications will be sent to the email address on record prior to the beginning of the renewal window.
- Reinstate an LPN or RN License
Expired Three (3) Years or more
If your license has expired for three or more years, reinstatement can be filed online. You will need to have at least one (1) active license from another State or Territory of the United States; if not, you will be scheduled for a personal appearance before the Board. Once scheduled, you will be notified by email of the date and other details of the appearance.
Nurse Midwife
- Nurse Midwife vs. Nurse Midwife - Compact RN
According to 848 IAC 3-1-1, Certified Nurse Midwife means a registered nurse who has graduated from a nationally accredited school of midwifery, has passed the National Certifying Examination given by the American College of Nurse-Midwives, and is licensed by the Board to practice as a nurse-midwife or holds an active Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC) RN license.
Both the Nurse Midwife(License of 8-serial numbers begins with 09 and ends with “A” – 09xxxxxxA) and the Nurse Midwife – Compact RN (License of 8-serial numbers starts with 09 and ends with “C” – 09xxxxxxC) licenses granted the same privileges and shared similar requirements.
The only difference is the prerequisite license.
You must have an active Indiana Registered Nurse license to apply for and maintain a Nurse Midwife license. This Nurse Midwife will have an expiration date of October 31st of the odd year regardless of issuance date(same as your Indiana RN license.)
To apply for and maintain a Nurse Midwife – Compact RN license, you must have an active Multistate (Compact) Registered Nurse license from your home state. This Nurse Midwife will have the same expiration date as your current Compact License from your home state.
Please be advised that if you have an active Indiana Single-State Registered Nurse license and are applying for the Nurse Midwife – Compact RN, then your Indiana RN license will need to be deactivated for the Nurse Midwife – Compact RN license to be issued
- Initial Nurse Midwife or Nurse Midwife – Compact RN license
If you have previously held a license as a Nurse Midwife in Indiana and are applying again for the same license type, please refer to the Renew a Nurse Midwife License for information on reactivating your previous license.
All applications not completed within one year will be considered abandoned, and a new application and fee will need to be submitted to restart the process.
- File an Application: Applications may be submitted online.
The application fee is $50.00. This fee can be paid by a credit or debit card.
Please be advised that applications cannot proceed until all fees have been paid. All application fees are Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable.
- Criminal Background Check: Applicants are required to complete the fingerprinting/criminal background check for every new Application submitted to the Indiana Board of Nursing for licensure.
Effective 01/06/2023, all registration for the Criminal Background Check process must use a service code.
License Type
Service Code
Nurse Midwife or Nurse Midwife – Compact RN
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer “Yes” to any questions on the Application, a personal statement that explains fully is required. Please include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition, and submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement where applicable. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). The statement and all supporting documents must be uploaded via your MyLicenseOne account.
Name Change Documentation: Provide all legal name change documents if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate, divorce decree, or legal name change document. Document(s) can be uploaded via your online account or emailed to
- Nursing Education: The nursing program information must be entered on the Application.
You must submit an official transcript showing graduation from a nationally accredited school of midwifery. The official copy of this transcript can be uploaded at the time of Application, mailed, or emailed to the Board’s Address.
- Verification of Licensure: Official verification(s) from all US States, Territories, and countries where you hold or have held a license in a health profession, regardless of its current status, must be submitted.
- For Nursing License(s), LPN, and RN from States participating in NURSYS, you can request verification at using the Nurse License Verification for Endorsement option.
Please note that Nursys will not send verification if the “Quick Confirm” option is used. Report through Nursys E-Notify or Nursys’ Speed Memo will not be accepted as License Verification(s).
- Jurisdictions not using the NURSYS program will need to send license verification directly to the Board’s Address via mail or email. Please contact each State and territory to see if there is a fee for this service.
Verification needs to be sent from every State and Territory where you hold or have ever held a nursing license, whether the license is active or not.
- For Nursing License(s), LPN, and RN from States participating in NURSYS, you can request verification at using the Nurse License Verification for Endorsement option.
- Current License: You must have an active RN license to apply for a Nurse Midwife license.
If you’re applying for the regular Nurse Midwife license, you must have an active Indiana Registered Nurse license. If not, you must either apply for one or renew one (if you previously had one with Indiana).
If you’re applying for the Nurse Midwife – Compact RN license, you must have an active Multistate (Compact) RN License from your home state.
AMCB certification letter: proof of having successfully passed the National Certifying Examination by the American Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB) sent directly to the Board’s Address for processing.
Notes that neither the Nurse Midwife nor the Nurse Midwife – Compact RN license by itself would grant Prescriptive Authority in Indiana. If you need prescriptive authority, apply for the corresponding APRN Prescriptive Authority or APRN – Compact RN.
- File an Application: Applications may be submitted online.
- Change of Primary State of Residence (PSOR)
During the term of your active Nurse Midwife – Compact RN, you must report to the Board anytime you have a change in PSOR to update the prerequisite license of your Nurse Midwife – Compact RN accordingly.
If you wish to convert your Nurse Midwife license to a Nurse Midwife – Compact RN or vice versa, please send your request to
- Renew a Nurse Midwife or Nurse Midwife – Compact RN license
Nurse Midwife licenses will expire on October 31st of every Odd year regardless of issuance date (same as your Indiana RN license.)
Nurse Midwife – Compact RN licenses will have the same expiration date as your current Compact RN License from your home state.
You may renew the respective Nurse Midwife license during its renewal window (90 days prior to its expiration date). The renewal fee for an unexpired Nurse Midwife or Nurse Midwife – Compact RN is $50.
Expired less than 3 years
Licenses that are expired less than 3 years may renew online and will incur the late fee.Please note that the licensee must ensure the on-file email address is up-to-date. Renewal notifications will be sent to the email address on record prior to the beginning of the renewal window.
- Reinstate a Nurse Midwife License
Expired Three (3) Years or more
If your license has expired for three or more years, reinstatement can be filed online. You will need to have at least one (1) active license from another State or Territory of the United States; if not, you will be scheduled for a personal appearance before the Board. Once scheduled, you will be notified of the date and other details for the appearance by Email.In addition, the prerequisite RN or out-of-state Compact RN license must be renewed/reinstated and is active before your Nurse Midwife/ Nurse Midwife – Compact RN renewal/reinstatement application can go through.
Prescriptive Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) license is for the authority to prescribe as an advanced practice registered nurse in Indiana. It is not a license to practice as a nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, CRNA, etc. All CNPs, CRNAs, and other Advanced Practice Registered Nurses who do not need prescriptive authority should practice under their Indiana Registered Nurse license or Out-of-State Compact RN license.
- APRN Prescriptive Authority vs. APRN - Compact RN
There are two types of licenses for Prescriptive Authority in Indiana: the APRN Prescriptive Authority and the APRN – Compact RN license. Both will grant the same prescriptive authority to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and share similar credentialing requirements.
The only difference is the prerequisite license for practice.
You must have an active Indiana Registered Nurse license to apply for and maintain an APRN Prescriptive Authority license. This APRN Prescriptive Authority license will expire on October 31st of the odd year, regardless of issuance date(same as your Indiana RN license.)
You must have an active Multistate (Compact) Registered Nurse license from your home state to apply for and maintain an APRN - Compact RN license. This APRN – Compact RN will have the same expiration date as your current Compact License from your home state.
Please be advised that if you have an active Indiana Single-State Registered Nurse license and are applying for the APRN – Compact RN, then your Indiana RN license will need to be deactivated for the APRN – Compact RN license to be issued.
- Apply for Prescriptive Authority
If you have previously held a license for prescriptive authority in Indiana and are applying again for the same license type, please refer to the Renew an APRN License for information on reactivating your previous license.
All applications not completed within one year will be considered abandoned, and a new application and fee will need to be submitted to restart the process.
- File an Application: Applications may be submitted online.
The application fee is $50.00. This fee can be paid by a credit or debit card.
If you apply by mail, a check or money order must accompany the paper application. Please make a check/money order payable to Indiana Professional Licensing Agency.
Please be advised that applications can’t be moved forward until all fees have been paid. All application fees are Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable.
- Criminal Background Check: Applicants are required to complete the fingerprinting/criminal background check for every new Application submitted to the Indiana Board of Nursing for licensure.
Effective 01/06/2023, all registration for the Criminal Background Check process must use a service code.
License Type
Service Code
APRN Prescriptive Authority or APRN – Compact RN
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer “Yes” to any questions on the Application, a personal statement that explains fully is required. Please include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition, and submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement where applicable. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). The statement and all supporting documents must be uploaded via your MyLicenseOne account.
- Name Change Documentation: Provide all legal name change documents if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate, divorce decree, or legal name change document. Document(s) can be uploaded via your online account or emailed to
- Nursing Education: The nursing program information must be entered on the Application.
An official transcript showing successful completion of a graduate program (Master or Doctoral) offered by a college or university accredited by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation is required. If you received a bachelor’s degree rather than a graduate degree, you must submit proof of current national certification. An official copy of the transcript can be uploaded at the time of Application, mailed, or emailed to the Board’s Address.
- Continuing Education: applicants who have completed a graduate-level pharmacology course (as shown on their Master’s or Doctoral Transcript) for more than five(5) years will need to submit the following:
- Proof of completion of at least thirty (30) Contact Hours of Continuing Education during the two (2) years immediately preceding the received date of the Application.
- At least eight (8) of the above must be pharmacology contact hours.
- If applying for Controlled Substance Registration (CSR), at least 2 of the above must be Opioids.
All of the above hours must be approved by a nationally approved sponsor of continuing education for nurses.
Letter of Prescriptive Experience: If the pharmacology course on the transcript was completed more than five (5) years immediately preceding the date of filing the application, the applicant must submit proof of the following:
- Verification of Licensure: Official verification(s) from all US States, Territories, and countries where you hold or have held a license in a health profession, regardless of its current status, must be submitted.
- For Nursing License(s), LPN, and RN from States participating in NURSYS, you can request verification at using the Nurse License Verification for Endorsement option.
Please note that Nursys will not send verification if the “Quick Confirm” option is used. Report through Nursys E-Notify or Nursys’ Speed Memo will not be accepted as License Verification(s).
- Jurisdictions not using the NURSYS program will need to send license verification directly to the Board’s Address via mail or email. Please contact each State and territory to see if there is a fee for this service.
Verification needs to be sent from every State and Territory where you hold or have ever held a nursing license, whether the license is active or not.
- For Nursing License(s), LPN, and RN from States participating in NURSYS, you can request verification at using the Nurse License Verification for Endorsement option.
Current License: You must have a corresponding RN license to apply for either of the APRN licenses.
If you’re applying for the APRN Prescriptive Authority license, you must have an active Indiana Registered Nurse license. If not, you must either apply for one or renew one.
If you’re applying for the APRN – Compact RN license, you must have an active Multistate (Compact) RN License from your home state.
Please note that if you are applying for prescriptive authority as a Certified Nurse Midwife, you will also need a current Indiana Nurse Midwife or Nurse Midwife-Compact RN license in addition to your current RN license to practice nurse-midwifery in the State of Indiana.
- Collaborative Practice Agreement: According to 848 IAC 5-1-1, proof of collaboration with an Indiana licensed practitioner in the form of a written practice agreement is required. Please refer to the Collaborative Practice Agreement Requirements section for further information. The signed agreement can be uploaded at the time of Application, mailed, or emailed to the Board’s Address.
Please note that the licensee is responsible for keeping the Collaborative Information current with the Board. Any time there’s a change in your collaborative association, you must notify the Board verbally via mail or email(see Add, Remove, or Update Collaborative Practice).
A letter sent by a recent supervising physician(s) or employer showing prescriptive experience in another jurisdiction within the five (5) years immediately preceding the received date of the Application. If no prior prescriptive experience, a letter of reference from the most recent employer or supervisor attesting to the medication safety history of the applicant while in their employ within the past five (5) years can be substituted.
The letter must be on a letterhead, signed and dated by the Supervisor/Employer’s Authorized Representative. This letter can be uploaded at the time of Application, mailed, or emailed to the Board’s Address.
- File an Application: Applications may be submitted online.
- Collaborative Practice Agreement Requirement
According to 848 IAC 5-1-1, the written collaborative practice agreement sets forth the manner in which the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) and the Licensed Practitioner (LP) will cooperate, coordinate, and consult with each other in the provision of health care to patients. Collaborative practice agreements shall be in writing and shall also set forth provisions for the type of collaboration between the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and the Licensed Practitioner and the reasonable and timely review by the Licensed Practitioner of the prescribing practices of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. Specifically, the written practice agreement shall contain at least the following information:
- Complete names, Indiana license numbers, home and business addresses, zip codes, and telephone numbers of the LP and the APRN.
- A list of all other offices and/or practice locations in addition to those listed in clause (1) where the LP authorizes the APRN to prescribe.
- All specialty or board certifications of the LP and the APRN.
- The specific manner of collaboration between the Licensed Practitioner and the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, including how the LP and the APRN will:
- Work together;
- Share practice trends and responsibilities;
- Maintain geographic proximity (e.g. physical distance or physical presence); and
- Provide coverage during absence, incapacity, infirmity, or emergency by the Licensed Practitioner. (i.e. list backup Licensed Practitioner(s) ).
- A description of the time and manner of the Licensed Practitioner’s review of the APRN’s prescribing practices. The description shall include provisions that the APRN must submit documentation of the APRN’s prescribing practices to the LP within seven (7) days. Documentation of prescribing practices shall include, but not be limited to, a least a five percent (5%) random sampling of the charts and medications prescribed for patients.
- A list of all other written collaborative practice agreements, including the LP and APRN. For example, list any other Advanced Practice Registered Nurse(s) with which this Licensed Practitioner may have a current agreement(s) and any other Licensed Practitioner with which this APN applicant may have a current agreement(s).
- The duration of the written collaborative practice agreement between the LP and the APRN (e.g. commence date, termination date, etc.)
- The collaborative practice agreement must have the original signatures of the LP and the APRN.
Helpful Documents
- Continuing Education Requirements
Advanced Practice Nurses with Prescriptive Authority must obtain at least thirty (30) hours of continuing education, at least eight (8) hours of which must be in pharmacology. Please keep your continuing education certificates of completion for your records in the event that you are audited by the Board. Acceptable continuing education programs must be approved by a nationally approved sponsor of continuing education for advanced practice nurses.
If you also have Controlled Substances Registration(CSR), you must also complete 2 hours of CE in opioid prescribing and opioid abuse according to IC 35-48-3-3.5. The hours must be from an approved sponsor and can count toward the 8-hours pharmacology requirement. If you hold multiple CSRs, the 2 hours will count for the renewal requirement for all of them.
For newly obtained Prescriptive Authority license: If you were initially granted prescriptive authority for
- less than twelve (12) months before the expiration date of the prescriptive authority, no continuing education is required; or
- at least twelve (12) months before the expiration date of the prescriptive authority but less than twenty-four (24) months, the applicant shall submit proof to the Board that the applicant has successfully completed at least fifteen (15) contact hours of continuing education. The hours must:
- be completed after the prescriptive authority was granted and before the expiration of the prescriptive authority;
- include at least four (4) contact hours of pharmacology; and
- be approved by a nationally approved sponsor of continuing education for nurses, approved by the Board.
Approved continuing education organizations include:
- United States Department of Education
- Council on Post-Secondary Education
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals
- Joint Commission on Healthcare Organizations
- Federal, state, and local government agencies
- A college or other teaching institution accredited by the United States Department of Education or the Council on Post-Secondary Education
- A national organization of licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
- A national, state, district or local organization that operates as an affiliated entity under the approval of an organization listed above
- An internship or residency program conducted in a hospital that has been approved by an organization listed above
- Add/Remove/Update Collaborative Practice
All requests to add, remove, or update the current Collaborative Information must be submitted in writing via mail or email to the Board’s Address or uploaded to the License’s Documents in your online account.
All new or updated collaborative agreements must meet all the requirements as laid down by 848 IAC 5-1-1 (see Collaborative Practice Agreement Requirement) A cover sheet detailing the change being made should accompany all collaborative change requests. If submitting via email, please include the APRN’s name and license number within the subject or body of the email.
To remove, terminate, or rescind an on-file collaborative agreement, the following information must be included in the request:
- Name and the Indiana licensee number of the APRN.
- Name and the Indiana licensee number of the supervising physician.
- The disassociation/termination/effective date
- Detail of the request
Important: All request(s) to add, remove, or update collaborative information must be written and specific to ONE (1) APRN. If a request is received with more than one APRN information within the same letter, email attachment/body, the request will be considered invalid and must be resubmitted.
Please note that an APRN license must have at least one (1) current collaborating physician to stay Active. When there is no collaborating physician, the APRN license will be switched to “Current/Not Practicing” status, if the license is unexpired. To reactivate the license, a new or updated collaborative practice agreement must be submitted via mail, email, or uploaded to the license.
- Change of Primary State of Residence (PSOR)
During the term of your active APRN – Compact RN license, you must report to the Board anytime you have a change in PSOR to update the prerequisite license of your APRN – Compact RN accordingly.
If you wish to convert your APRN Prescriptive Authority license to an APRN – Compact RN or vice versa, please send your request to
- Renew Prescriptive Authority license for APRN
APRN Prescriptive Authority licenses will expire on October 31st of every Odd year regardless of issuance date (same as your Indiana RN license.)
APRN – Compact RN licenses will have the same expiration date as your current Compact RN License from your home state.
You may renew the respective APRN license during its renewal window (90 days prior to its expiration date). The renewal fee for an unexpired APRN Prescriptive Authority or APRN – Compact RN is $10. An additional $50 late fee will be charged if the renewal application is filed after the expiration date.
Please note that the prerequisite RN or out-of-state Compact RN license must be renewed/reinstated and is active before your APRN Prescriptive Authority/APRN – Compact RN renewal application can go through.
Renew an Active or Expired APRN license for up to 3 years after Expiration
You must complete the required Continuing Education for the renewal period before your license can be renewed.
The Indiana State Board of Nursing may audit up to 10% of licensees to ensure compliance. You should retain all certificates of completion for up to 3 years from the date of renewal.
You may renew the license online.
When renewing online, if you choose to add/remove/update collaborator(s), you must submit a copy of the actual collaborative practice agreement by uploading it at the time of renewal or via mail or email to the Board’s Address.
If there is no current collaborative agreement with an Indiana licensed practitioner at the time of your renewal, your license will be renewed under “Current/Not Practicing” status, provided that you meet all the other requirements for renewing your Prescriptive Authority license.
Please note that the licensee must ensure that the on-file email address is up-to-date. Renewal notifications will be sent to the email address on record prior to the beginning of the renewal window.
- Reinstate Prescriptive Authority license for APRN
Expired Three (3) Years or more
If your license has expired for three or more years, reinstatement can be filed online. In addition, you must submit the following:- A signed Collaborative Practice Agreement with an Indiana Licensed Practitioner.
- Proof of Completion of at least thirty (30) hours contact hours of continuing education. The hours must:
- be completed recently within the immediate preceding twenty-four (24) months from the received date of your Application;
- include at least eight (8) contact hours of pharmacology; and
- be approved by a nationally approved sponsor of continuing education for nurses, approved by the Board.
Controlled Substance Registration (CSR)
- Apply for CSR
- Completed Application: Applications may be submitted online.
- Application fee of $60.00: Fee is paid online during the online application process. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Continuing Education: Effective July 1, 2019, any licensed provider who applies for a controlled substance registration or renews a controlled substance registration must have two hours of continuing education in opioid abuse and prescribing to obtain or renew the registration. The two hours must be obtained within the previous two years prior to applying for or renewing a registration. Providers applying for a controlled substance registration who already hold a professional license will need to submit proof of the two hours of continuing education with their application.
- Go to for application and instructions.
- Continuing Education Requirement for CSR
Beginning July 1, 2019, each practitioner renewing their controlled substances registration will need to have completed two (2) hours of continuing education in the topic of opioid prescribing and opioid abuse.
Licensees will not need to submit certificates of completion. Instead, they will attest on their renewal form that the hours have been completed. The Indiana State Board of Nursing may then audit up to 10% of licensees to ensure compliance. Licensees should retain their certificates of completion for up to 3 years from the date of renewal.
Approved continuing education organizations include:
- United States Department of Education
- Council on Post-Secondary Education
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals
- Joint Commission on Healthcare Organizations
- Federal, state, and local government agencies
- A college or other teaching institution accredited by the United States Department of Education or the Council on Post-Secondary Education
- A national organization of licensed Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
- A national, state, district or local organization that operates as an affiliated entity under the approval of an organization listed above
- An internship or residency program conducted in a hospital that has been approved by an organization listed above
- Renew CSR
CSR license will have the same expiration date as its prerequisite APRN Prescriptive Authority or APRN - Compact RN license.
You may renew your CSR license during its renewal window (90 days prior to its expiration date). The renewal fee for an unexpired CSR license is $60. An additional $50 late fee will be charged if the renewal application is filed after the expiration date.
Please note that the prerequisite APRN license must be renewed/reinstated and active before your CSR renewal application can go through.
Renew an Active or Expired CSR-Prescriptive Authority for up to 3 years after Expiration
You must complete the required Continuing Education for the renewal period before your license can be renewed. You will not need to submit certificates of completion at the time of renewal. Instead, you will attest on the renewal form that the hours have been completed. The Indiana State Board of Nursing may then audit up to 10% of licensees to ensure compliance. You should retain all certificates of completion for up to 3 years from the date of renewal.
You may renew the license online.
The renewal fee (include penalty) for any CSR license that was expired for less than 3 years is $110.
- Update CSR Practice Location
All requests to update the practice location for your Controlled Substance Registration must be submitted in writing via mail or email to the Board’s Address or uploaded to the License’s Documents in your online account.
The new practice location must be authorized for prescriptive authority through a collaborative agreement. The collaborative agreements must meet all the requirements as laid down by 848 IAC 5-1-1 (see Collaborative Practice Agreement Requirements.) If submitting via email, please include the APRN’s name and license number within the subject or body of the email.
All requests should either be accompanied by a cover sheet detailing the change being made or at least contain the following information:
- Name of the licensee.
- The CSR license number.
- The current (old) practice address on the CSR license.
- The new facility name.
- The New address (with city, zip code, and phone number) of the practice facility
- A collaborative agreement that listed the practice facility as one of the authorized locations for prescriptive authority if it isn’t on file with the Board yet.
- Reinstate CSR
If your license has expired for three or more years, reinstatement can be filed online. In addition, you must submit the following:
- Proof of Completion of two (2) hours of continuing education on the topic of opioid prescribing and opioid abuse.
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer “Yes” to any questions on the Application, a personal statement that explains fully is required. Please include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition, and submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement where applicable. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s).
Please note that the licensee must ensure that the on-file email address is up-to-date. Renewal notifications will be sent to the email address on record prior to the beginning of the renewal window.
Fee Schedule
- Nursing Application/Renewal
Fee Penalty Total Application fee for licensure in LPN, RN, Nurse Midwife, or APRN Prescriptive Authority $50 NA $50 Application fee for CSR-Prescriptive Authority $60 NA $60 Application fee for NLC Compact for LPN or RN $25 NA $25 Temporary permit fee for LPN or RN $10 NA $10 Renewal fee for Unexpired LPN, RN or Nurse Midwife License $50 NA $50 Renewal fee for Expired LPN, RN or Nurse Midwife License $50 $50 $100 Renewal fee for Compact-RN or Compact-LPN $25 NA $25 Renewal fee for Unexpired APRN Prescriptive Authority $10 NA $10 Renewal fee for Expired APRN Prescriptive Authority $10 $50 $60 Renewal fee for Unexpired CSR-Prescriptive Authority $60 NA $60 Renewal fee for CSR-Prescriptive Authority Expired less than 3 years $60 $50 $110 Reinstatement fee for CSR-Prescriptive Authority Expired 3 years or more $60 $60 $120
Additional Information
- Board's Address and Contact Information
All unofficial documents can be uploaded to the online application/license or emailed to
All official documents to the Board's Address from a direct source should be sent to the following address either by mail:
Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
Attn: Nursing Board
402 West Washington Street, Room W072
Indianapolis, IN 46204or Email to: