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Request Local Government Subdomain

The subdomain is available free for Local Government Agencies and Entities in Indiana!

Examples: - This is a County - This is a Township - This is a Town - This is a School - This is a City


Use this form to request:

  • A new subdomain for a non-state agency
  • Update to IP address for a subdomain

Please note: IOT does not offer DNS delegation to external nameservers. IOT is in progress on a long-term project to resume hosting legacy DNS delegations and cannot point any new or existing subdomains to external nameservers.

Our process has changed! Please sign up for or log into the Local Subdomain Portal to make a new request.

For new users:

Sign up for the Local Subdomain Portal

For existing users:

Login to the Local Subdomain Portal

Why use a .gov subdomain?

Make your government websites more secure by using a .gov subdomain instead of .com, .org, .us, etc.

Criminals can more easily impersonate your website if it doesn't use an official .gov subdomain. This could fool citizens into sharing sensitive information. Hackers and criminals often choose terms that are similar to the legitimate site, hoping that users will not distinguish the minor name change.

The public trusts .gov websites and emails because they are official subdomains. Citizens can confidently access government information and services in a secure environment knowing that the site is legitimate and authoritative. offers free Subdomain and DNS services with extra security protections subdomains are protected from the following if your site is proxy-enabled:
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack protection - Services can mitigate tremendous threats that would otherwise overwhelm services.
  • Geo-location protection - Places a virtual fence around your services to an area that you are comfortable with.  By default, IOT's services are restricted to US only. Exceptions can be applied to open sites to other countries as needed.
Other proxy-enabled features coming later in 2024!
  • Bot protection - Bots are a continuous threat and they can act faster than humans can.  IOT’s security can recognize & act upon these using the tremendous amount of information they have at their disposal as well as advanced AI & heuristic detection methods.
  • Custom Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules - IOT can make granular adjustments to all protections in place if needed. Malicious traffic signature recognition & protection. Attacks like Log4J can be mitigated before that traffic even reaches your servers.

When features become available, IOT will work with you to evaluate your subdomain protection needs.

Alternatively, obtain a secure .gov subdomain from the Federal .gov program here:

Note: This program is not affiliated with the program.