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  Close Menu Application Style Guide

This is a general style guide outlining the base styles for applications related to and Indiana state government.

This documentation will be updated as's brand evolves.

Style Guide Sections

The site is broken up into four different sections:

  1. General Styles - This will outline the basic use of the logo, color references, and other general styles.
  2. Header - This section goes over some of the Standard Application Header elements and styles.
  3. Typography - Fonts, headings, body text, links, lists, and other text based styles can be found here.
  4. UI Elements - This is where the majority of styles reside in a variety of UI elements.

HTML Framework uses the Foundation framework in its sites. You are free to use whatever framework you please, but some of the references and terminology in this guide may be more related to Foundation specific elements (rather than Bootstrap or UIkit).

v1.0.1 - Last Updated: April 2nd, 2019