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Hosparus Health

Gwen Cooper
502 Hausfeldt Lane
New Albany
(502) 719-8925

At Hosparus Health, we are proud to serve our Veterans. Through a partnership with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Hosparus Health provides programs and services focused on improving the quality of hospice care for Veterans and their families. We Honor Veterans provides us with tools and resources to meet the unique challenges Veterans may face at the end of life. With support from the We Honor Veterans program we are able to: *Streamline the referral/admission process for patients *Educate our staff and communities about the end-of-life needs of our veterans *Coordinate care with VA and other healthcare organizations *Provide veteran-to-veteran volunteer programs *Connect veterans and their families with community resources *Offer the services of staff and volunteers who are trained to meet the unique challenges faced by veterans and their families In most instances, Medicare, Medicaid and other insurance providers cover the costs of hospice care. Veterans who are not covered under one of these agencies are covered under the Veterans Administration’s benefit program. All patients are served regardless of their ability to pay.

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