Please follow all safety and social distancing guidelines.
If you have a question or concerns please contact the cemetery at (812) 273 9220 or e-mail aburnham@dva.in.gov.
It is recommended all visitors please:
1. Wear a mask in all IVMC buildings.
2. Maintain six feet of social space and please refrain from physical contact while on site.
We understand and appreciate your contribution to keeping us all safe.
Mission Statement:
The Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery is dedicated to Veterans and their families as a lasting memorial, and final resting place, in appreciation and gratitude for their service and sacrifice to our nation.
Please review the links below from the National Cemetery Administration. If you are in need of more information or have further questions about the Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery, please contact them at 812-273-9220 or email ivmc@dva.in.gov.
The National Cemetery Administration: Assisting Families with Burial page provides valuable information to families and funeral directors regarding the process before, during and after the burial ceremony.
- Application for Burial in the Indiana Veteran Memorial Cemetery
- Eligibility Requirements
- Application for Pre-Need Determination of Eligibility
- Burial Flag
- Floral Regulation
- Bereavement Counseling
- Governor's Memorial Certificate