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Elite SDVOB Network Indiana Chapter

Eddie Rivers, Membership Director
PO Box 497

The Elite SDVOB Network is a volunteer based national membership organization comprised of certified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses (SDVOB) and Veteran Owned Businesses (VOB), individuals and corporations that support the Network's mission. The Elite SDVOB Network is incorporated as a 501(c)19 organization, with 52 Chapters in 39 states.

All of the officers of the National Board and state chapters are non-paid volunteers. Every membership fee, corporate sponsorship and donation is dedicated to fulfilling our mission and objectives. We provide education, mentorship, and most importantly a political VOICE for the empowerment of all veteran small business owners. Our efforts target the equitable access of public sector contracting to VOB and SDVOB, one of the most challenging aspects of the veteran economic issue. The Network is committed to assist the public sector community in improving contract spending with SDVOB, empower disabled veteran business owners and most importantly we are about "Helping Other 'Vets' Help Themselves". Ultimately we are about solutions.

Membership meetings are held monthly, on the first Wednesday of every month, from 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM. Meetings are held at the Indiana War Memorial in Spruance Hall, located at 431 N Meridian St Indianapolis, IN 46204.
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