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Creative Arts for Vets

Todd Burkhardt

750 East Kirkwood Ave,




(706) 442-3107

CAV: Creative Arts for Vets

(706) 442-3107

750 East Kirkwood Ave,


Creative Arts for Vets (CAV) aims to support veterans and military-connected populations using arts-based approaches that promote connectedness and improve mental health and well-being. Creative Arts for Vets collaborates with veterans, military- connected populations, and community organizations to develop unique experiences that fit needs and interests present in specific communities. These art-based wellness events are free, and we work anywhere in the state of Indiana and beyond. The CAV Book is a bridge from CAV sessions to home life to aid in improving veteran wellbeing through art-based exercises infused with social work and art therapy practices, veteran narratives, and supplemental veteran-centric wellness resources. It’s a guidebook for therapeutic artmaking.