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Refugee School Impact (RSI) Program

What is the RSI program?

The RSI program is a voluntary, federally funded, grant program for those Local Education Agencies (LEAs) who welcome a significant number of students with refugee status. Funded by the federal Office of Refugee and Resettlement (ORR), Indiana’s Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) in coordination with Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) sub-contract with qualifying institutions to support:

  • Specialized services and support of eligible youth;
  • Support for families learning to navigate the U.S. education system; and
  • Capacity development for school systems, including education and training for staff around the unique and varied needs of refugees, and access to necessary resources.

For more information on how ORR defines refugee and eligibility of services, please read ORR policy letter 16-01, or ORR Fact Sheets & Eligibility.

Who is eligible?

The RSI program supports Indiana students with refugee status between the ages of birth until 18 years old, or those 18 and older who are enrolled in high school or a high school equivalent GED program. RSI program services focus on new arrivals and those who have been in the U.S. five years or less and continue to face integration and academic challenges. Both youth and their families may receive services from the RSI program.

All LEAs with refugee-background students are encouraged to report their refugee-status student numbers. However, because the RSI program funding is limited, IDOE is obligated to ensure allocations go to areas with the greatest need and where it can have the greatest impact.

For more information on how ORR defines refugee and eligibility of services, please read ORR’s policy letter 16-01.

Active Grant and Timelines

GrantAmendment DeadlineEncumbrance DeadlineReimbursement Request DeadlineLiquidation DeadlineFinal Expenditure Report
2022-2023 RSIG September 15, 2025 September 30, 2025 December 15, 2025 December 31, 2025 December 31, 2025
2023-2024 RSIGSeptember 15, 2025September 30, 2025December 15, 2025December 31, 2025December 31, 2025

Semi-annual Reporting Deadlines for Subgrantees:
Reporting PeriodDeadline
April 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024 Friday, October 18, 2024
October 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025 Friday, April 18, 2025
Semi-annual Reporting SubmissionUse this submission form for all Refugee School Impact Grants

RSI Grant Materials