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Administrative Licenses


Building Level Administrator License

To obtain a Building Level Administrator license an applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a Professional Educators License with proficiency of initial, standard, provisional, proficient, or accomplished practitioner Instructional or School Counselor license.
  • Experience verification letter signed by employer on letterhead stating at least 2 years of teaching experience or 2 years of school counselor experience if you hold a school counselor license.
  • Pass the approved Building Level Administrator content licensure exam. Click here the link for our teacher testing website.
  • Complete an approved program in Building Level Administration. Click here for approved Indiana Programs
  • Hold a minimum of a Master's degree or higher from an accredited institution.
  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. Click here for a link to resources.
  • Suicide Prevention Training Certificate. Click here for a link to resources.

Required Documents

All documentation must be provided (uploaded) together in the application. If additional documentation is needed, your application will be returned to you. Applications marked as Additional Documentation Required will be held for 90 days, after which they will be closed. You will be required to apply again and submit another fee.

In-state Applicants

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Official licensure test score reports for the certification being sought.
  • Experience verification letter signed by employer on letterhead stating at least 2 years of teaching experience or 2 years of school counselor experience if you hold a school counselor license.

Once the in-state application is submitted and payment is made, the application will route to the in-state College/university where your program was completed for approval.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.

Out-of-State Applicants:

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Valid out-of-state license or certificate issued by a government agency, or a statement that no valid license or certificate is held. Provide both instructional or school counselor license and administrative licenses.
  • Educational experience verification letters signed by employers on letterhead stating position and number of years of experience. To be considered for an Administrative license, you must provide verification of two (2) years instructional experience or 2 years of school counselor experience if you hold a school counselor license.
  • Official transcripts for all coursework completed:
    • Obtain an official transcript for your own records and upload to the application.
    • The signature of the registrar must be visible.
    • Unofficial transcripts, diplomas, and grade reports are not accepted.
    • Electronic transcripts: ensure the document is not locked, expired, or password protected.
    • Paper transcripts: scan each transcript double-sided into one PDF file.
    • If the file is over 5 MB, use a PDF compression tool such as
    • Please do not mail transcripts directly.
      If necessary, transcripts can be emailed to
  • Official score reports for tests that support an out-of-state license or certificate

Licensing Fee Information: Click here.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.

Superintendent License

The holder of the license with the content area District Level Administrator: Superintendent is eligible to serve as an administrator in any school in accordance with the school setting listed on the license.

To obtain a Superintendent License an applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Pass the approved District Level Administrator content licensure exam. Click here the link for our teacher testing website.
  • Successfully completes the following:
    • An Ed.S. or higher at an institution of higher education.
    • An approved district administrator: superintendent program.
  • Hold a Professional Educators License with proficiency of Initial, standard, provisional, proficient or accomplished practitioner Instructional License.
  • Has a minimum of two (2) years of experience as a teacher.

Required Documents

All documentation must be provided (uploaded) together in the application. If additional documentation is needed, your application will be returned to you. Applications marked as Additional Documentation Required will be held for 90 days, after which they will be closed. You will be required to apply again and submit another fee.

In-state Applicants

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Official licensure test score reports for the certification being sought.
  • Experience verification letter signed by employer on letterhead stating at least 2 years of teaching experience

Once the in-state application is submitted and payment is made, the application will route to the in-state College/university where your program was completed for approval.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.

Out-of-State Applicants:

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Valid out-of-state license or certificate issued by a government agency, or a statement that no valid license or certificate is held. Provide both instructional and administrative licenses.
  • Educational experience verification letters signed by employers on letterhead stating position and number of years of experience. To be considered for an Administrative license, you must provide verification of two (2) years instructional experience.
  • Official transcripts for all coursework completed:
    • Obtain an official transcript for your own records and upload to the application.
    • The signature of the registrar must be visible.
    • Unofficial transcripts, diplomas, and grade reports are not accepted.
    • Electronic transcripts: ensure the document is not locked, expired, or password protected.
    • Paper transcripts: scan each transcript double-sided into one PDF file.
    • If the file is over 5 MB, use a PDF compression tool such as
    • Please do not mail transcripts directly.
      If necessary, transcripts can be emailed to
  • Official score reports for tests that support an out-of-state license or certificate

Licensing Fee Information: Click here.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.

Director of Career & Technical Education

The holder of the license with the content area District Level Administrator: Director of Career and Technical Education is eligible to serve as an administrator in the school setting listed on the license.

To obtain a Director of Career and Technical Education license an applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Successfully completes an approved district administrator: Director of Career and Technical Education program.
  • Obtains a Master degree or, if already degreed, completed additional coursework in an approved district administrator: Director of Career and Technical Education program.
  • Holds one of the following licenses:
    • Professional Educators License with proficiency of initial, standard, provisional, proficient or accomplished practitioner with at least one Career and Technical Education (CTE) content area, Business, or Technology Education
    • A Workplace Specialist 2 license with 2 years of full-time teaching experience in accredited vocational school in the grade level and vocational content area listed on the license.
    • Building Level Administrator, Superintendent, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, or Director of Exceptional Needs
  • Completed at least 2 years of teaching experience

Required Documents

All documentation must be provided (uploaded) together in the application. If additional documentation is needed, your application will be returned to you. Applications marked as Additional Documentation Required will be held for 90 days, after which they will be closed. You will be required to apply again and submit another fee.

In-state Applicants

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Official licensure test score reports for the certification being sought.
  • Experience verification letter signed by employer on letterhead stating at least 2 years of teaching experience

Once the in-state application is submitted and payment is made, the application will route to the in-state College/university where your program was completed for approval.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.

Out-of-State Applicants:

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Educational experience verification letters signed by employers on letterhead stating position and number of years of experience. To be considered for an Administrative license, you must provide verification of two (2) years instructional experience.
  • Official transcripts for all coursework completed:
    • Obtain an official transcript for your own records and upload to the application.
    • The signature of the registrar must be visible.
    • Unofficial transcripts, diplomas, and grade reports are not accepted.
    • Electronic transcripts: ensure the document is not locked, expired, or password protected.
    • Paper transcripts: scan each transcript double-sided into one PDF file.
    • If the file is over 5 MB, use a PDF compression tool such as
    • Please do not mail transcripts directly.
      If necessary, transcripts can be emailed to
  • Official score reports for tests that support an out-of-state license or certificate

Licensing Fee Information: Click here.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click Here.

Director of Curriculum & Instruction

The holder of the license with the content area District Level Administrator: Director of Curriculum and Instruction is eligible to serve as an administrator in the school setting listed on the license.

To obtain a District Level Administrator: Director of Curriculum and Instruction license an applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Successfully completes an approved District Level Administrator: Director of Curriculum and Instruction program.
  • Obtains a Master degree or, if already degreed, completed additional coursework in an approved District Level Administrator: Director of Curriculum and Instruction program.
  • Hold a Professional Educators License with proficiency of initial, standard, provisional, proficient, or accomplished practitioner Instructional license.
  • Has a minimum of 2 years of experience as a teacher.

Required Documents

All documentation must be provided (uploaded) together in the application. If additional documentation is needed, your application will be returned to you. Applications marked as Additional Documentation Required will be held for 90 days, after which they will be closed. You will be required to apply again and submit another fee.

In-state Applicants

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Official licensure test score reports for the certification being sought.
  • Experience verification letter signed by employer on letterhead stating at least 2 years of teaching experience

Once the in-state application is submitted and payment is made, the application will route to the in-state College/university where your program was completed for approval.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.

Out-of-State Applicants:

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Educational experience verification letters signed by employers on letterhead stating position and number of years of experience. To be considered for an Administrative license, you must provide verification of two (2) years instructional experience.
  • Official transcripts for all coursework completed:
    • Obtain an official transcript for your own records and upload to the application.
    • The signature of the registrar must be visible.
    • Unofficial transcripts, diplomas, and grade reports are not accepted.
    • Electronic transcripts: ensure the document is not locked, expired, or password protected.
    • Paper transcripts: scan each transcript double-sided into one PDF file.
    • If the file is over 5 MB, use a PDF compression tool such as
    • Please do not mail transcripts directly.
      If necessary, transcripts can be emailed to
  • Official score reports for tests that support an out-of-state license or certificate

Licensing Fee Information: Click here.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.

Director of Exceptional Needs

The holder of the license with the content area District Level Administrator: Exceptional needs is eligible to serve as an administrator in the school setting listed on the license.

To obtain a District Level Administrator: Exceptional Needs license an applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Successfully completes an approved district administrator: District Level Administrator: Exceptional Needs program.
  • Obtains a Master degree or, if already degreed, completed additional coursework in an approved District Level Administrator: Exceptional Needs program.
  • Holds a Professional Educators License with proficiency of initial, standard, provisional, proficient or accomplished practitioner in one of the following:
    • A content Area in Exceptional Needs
    • A Building Level Administrator License
    • A School Psychologist License
    • A Communications Disorders License
  • Has a minimum of 2 years of experience as a teacher.

Required Documents

All documentation must be provided (uploaded) together in the application. If additional documentation is needed, your application will be returned to you. Applications marked as Additional Documentation Required will be held for 90 days, after which they will be closed. You will be required to apply again and submit another fee.

In-state Applicants

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Official licensure test score reports for the certification being sought.
  • Experience verification letter signed by employer on letterhead stating at least 2 years of teaching experience

Once the in-state application is submitted and payment is made, the application will route to the in-state College/university where your program was completed for approval.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.

Out-of-State Applicants:

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Educational experience verification letters signed by employers on letterhead stating position and number of years of experience. To be considered for an Administrative license, you must provide verification of two (2) years instructional experience.
  • Official transcripts for all coursework completed:
    • Obtain an official transcript for your own records and upload to the application.
    • The signature of the registrar must be visible.
    • Unofficial transcripts, diplomas, and grade reports are not accepted.
    • Electronic transcripts: ensure the document is not locked, expired, or password protected.
    • Paper transcripts: scan each transcript double-sided into one PDF file.
    • If the file is over 5 MB, use a PDF compression tool such as
    • Please do not mail transcripts directly.
      If necessary, transcripts can be emailed to
  • Official score reports for tests that support an out-of-state license or certificate

Licensing Fee Information: Click here.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.

Temporary Superintendent License

A Temporary Superintendent License available at request of local governing body for candidate with master’s degree who meets Local Education Agency (LEA) needs. Temporary license is valid for duration of employment contract with school board. (511 IAC 15-6-37)

An applicant may be granted a Temporary Superintendent license if a governing body submits a written request to the Office of Educator Licensing and Development for the license on behalf of the applicant. The written request must include:

  • The requested content area is "superintendent";
  • Documentation on the applicant’s applicable knowledge or experience; and
  • Official transcripts verifying at least a Master’s degree or higher from an institution of higher learning.

The Temporary Superintendent license is only valid for as long as the license holder has an employment contract with the school board to be superintendent. It may not be transferred to another school corporation.

The holder of a Temporary Superintendent license may convert to full Superintendent license after three years if, in each of those three years, the license holder receives an evaluation rating of effective or highly effective and the license holder passes the required licensure test in the content area of district level administration. (511 IAC 15-6-37)

School Corporations interested in applying for a Temporary Superintendent License should contact licensing help at

Required Documents:

  • Letter of Request from governing body including documentation of the applicant’s knowledge and experience for the position.
  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Official transcripts for all coursework completed:
    • Obtain an official transcript for your own records and upload to the application.
    • The signature of the registrar must be visible.
    • Unofficial transcripts, diplomas, and grade reports are not accepted.
    • Electronic transcripts: ensure the document is not locked, expired, or password protected.
    • Paper transcripts: scan each transcript double-sided into one PDF file.
    • If the file is over 5 MB, use a PDF compression tool such as
    • Please do not mail transcripts directly.
  • Professional Resume

Licensing Fee Information: Click here.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click Here

Convert Temporary Superintendent to Full Superintendent License

The holder of a Temporary Superintendent license may convert to full Superintendent license after three years if, in each of those three years, the license holder receives an evaluation rating of effective or highly effective and the license holder passes the required licensure test in the content area of district level administration. (511 IAC 15-6-37)

Required Documents:

  • Valid CPR certification from an IDOE approved provider. CPR and AED Certification.
  • Suicide prevention training certificate.
  • Evaluations for 3 years with a rating of effective or highly effective.
  • Required licensure test in the content area of district level administration

Licensing Fee Information: Click here.

Step-by-Step Instructions: Click here.