The DNR Division of Water regulatory webpage provide a comprehensive one-stop site for permitting information. Simply click on a particular category below for links to forms, instructions, and informational resources. Several instructional videos are now available that provides important information to assist you in completing a permit application, fulfilling the public notice requirements, and providing the supporting technical documentation that is necessary in the application review process. Also, technical worksheets have been developed for the agents who are submitting Construction in a Floodway applications.
IDEM and DNR have partnered together to create the Indiana Waterways website to facilitate access to related information in one central place. The agencies have also created the Waterways Inquiry Request form to help landowners determine which application and Waterways permit is required for a potential project.
If your corporate firewall restricts access to YouTube, your systems administrator may allow exceptions to certain publishers. All DNR videos are published by Indiana DNR Videos for the purposes of such exceptions.
- Use a Permit Application Form or File an Application Online
- Technical Requirements: Minimum Application Submittal for Construction in a Floodway
- Floodway Habitat Mitigation Guidelines
- Public Notice Requirements
- Other Permit-Related Resources and Information
- Regulatory Permit Statutes, Rules and Related Information Links