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County Survey Methodology

County Survey Methodology

The County Survey program is conducted on a county-by-county basis. County selection is based on the county’s location relative to gaps in survey information, known developmental pressures that might affect historic resources, and anticipated results based on staff knowledge of the state’s development, among other factors.

DHPA staff complete initial planning for each county survey, including the evaluation of previously identified historic districts and identification of new historic districts. Preliminary research into a county’s history initially guides the field surveyors to understanding a county’s particular development. The county is then surveyed township-by-township in the field. Every building, cemetery, and bridge, or other above-ground resource that is at least 40 years old is surveyed. Surveyors complete a survey form that includes geographic, architectural, or updated visual information, take photographs, and record a geographic point. Surveyors do not conduct research into the individual history of a property.

DHPA staff review the records for accuracy and once a township is complete, they are added to our State Historic Architectural and Archaeological Research Database (SHAARD). The process may vary in time to complete depending on the size of the township. The County Survey assists DHPA staff in determining whether a property is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and for reviewing the impacts of state and federally funded projects on historic resources.

Accessing County Survey Information

All of our county survey information is entered into SHAARD.

Surveyors assign one of the following ratings to each property:

Outstanding (O): The property has enough historic or architectural significance that it is already listed, or may be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. “Outstanding” resources can be of local, state, or national importance.

Notable (N): The property did not quite merit an “Outstanding” rating but still is above average in its importance. Further research may reveal that the property is eligible for National Register listing.

Contributing (C): The property met the basic inventory criterion of 40 years, but that it is not important enough to stand on its own as individually “Outstanding” or “Notable.” Such resources are important to the density of continuity of an area’s historic fabric. “Contributing” properties may appear in the National Register if they are part of a historic district but do not usually qualify individually.

Non-Contributing (NC): These are not included in the inventory unless they are located within a historic district. Such properties are usually built after the 40-year threshold, are older structures that have undergone major alterations and lost historic character, or are otherwise incompatible with their historical surroundings. These properties are not eligible for the National Register.

These ratings are advisory recommendations based on the information available to the surveyor at the time of the survey. Change in location, sensitive restoration, additional research, extensive physical damage, or inappropriate remodeling could affect the entry’s significance and rating at a later date.


SHAARD also includes data from the Indiana Cemetery and Burial Registry, on historic bridges, properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places, historic theaters, and themed surveys like round and polygonal barns, buildings on state college and university campuses, and statuary from the Save Outdoor Structures survey.

Updates or Changes to the County Survey

The DNR Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology (DHPA) understands that over time buildings change. If a building that is included in the Historic Sites and Structures Inventory has been damaged or demolished, please contact the DHPA so we can update our database.

Send an email to with the 11-digit survey number and the current status of the building. Links or attachments such as newspaper articles, photos, etc. to explain current situation are appreciated.

We do not remove properties from the Indiana Historic Sites & Structures Inventory.

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