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Redevelopment Commission

The Redevelopment Commission promotes and implements economic development projects, acting as a catalyst to redevelop blighted and other areas that have shown a cessation of growth and lack of development.

This is done through techniques including real estate acquisition, site preparation, and infrastructure development. Financing resources generally used are Tax Incremental Financing and Redevelopment General Obligation Bonds.

The First Organizational Meeting of the Wabash County Redevelopment Commission was held on Monday, July 30, 2007, at 2:00P.M. in the offices of EDG 202 South Wabash Street, Wabash, Indiana.

Redevelopment Commission Members

  • Tod Minnich, President (Commissioner Appointed)
  • Shelly Baucco  (Commissioner Appointed)
  • Lisa Gillman-Vice President             (County Council Appointed)
  • Roger Cromer -Treasurer        (County Council Appointed)
  • Tyler Niccum             (Commissioner Appointed)
  • Kevin Bowman  (Non-voting School Board Member)

Reports & Forms

Name of Report
Resolution 2021-02
  • Authorizing the Transfer of Title to Lots 1, 2, 3 and Part of Lot 4 in the Arc Business Park to the Board of Commissioners of Wabash County.
    Adopted May 24, 2021
Resolution 2021-01
  • Redevelopment Commission Determination of Need to Capture eax Increment Revenues.
    Adopted April 25, 2021