Everyone should have an Emergency Kit to sustain them through a prolonged power outage. The Emergency Kit should include: A battery powered radio, a NOAA Weather Radio, Candles, Matches, flashlight and extra batteries, battery powered camping lantern. a whistle for alerting rescuers, dust mask, moist towelettes, several trash bags with ties, toilet paper, roll of duct tape, box cutter or scissors, at least a 10 day supply of prescription medicine, adjustable wrench, pliers, screw driver or multi-tool, plastic sheeting. Drinking water at 1 gallon per person per day for at least 3 days. Food in the form of ready to eat items that do not require cooking and can be stored for extended time periods without spoiling. Ideally a backup generator, but users should be sure to position any generator so that carbon monoxide does not enter the living areas.