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Marriage License

Marriage Licenses are processed in the Clerk's office on Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. The fee is $29.00 for Indiana residents and $69.00 for nonresidents, (the fee includes $4.00 for one certified copy). We accept cash or money orders.

*There is no waiting period, and the license is good for 60 days.

Licenses may be started online at:

**Please note that if you apply online, you must appear in the Clerk's office within 14 days to finalize the application and receive your marriage license.**

18 or Older

  1. Both applicants must appear together.
  2. One applicant must live in Wabash County.
  3. Each applicant must provide one (1) of the following items:
    1. Certified copy of birth certificate; or
    2. Valid driver's license or other state issued identification, each must contain the individual's date of birth and current address;
  4. Cost for Wabash County Residents is $29.00 and out of Wabash County Residents is $69.00.

16 or 17 Years Old or Younger

  1. A minor who is sixteen or seventeen years of age may petition the circuit court in the county in which the minor resides for an order granting the minor approval to marry (IC Code 31-11-1-7
  2. The Judge will determine whether the Clerk shall issue a marriage license.
  3. Cost for filing the request is $157.00 (even if Judge denies).
  4. All of the items listed above must also be provided

The license is valid statewide.

If both parties are OUT OF STATE RESIDENTS, you may only apply in Wabash County if the wedding ceremony will take place in Wabash County. The fee for the marriage license for out-of-state applicants is $69.00 (this includes a certified copy).

WABASH COUNTY CERTIFIED MARRIAGE LICENSE REQUEST - *If your license was recorded in a county other than Wabash County, Indiana, please contact that county to obtain copies.