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Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (JRAC)

Governor Holcomb signed House Enrolled Act 1068 into law on April 8, 2021 (effective July 1, 2021), establishing a local Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council (Local JRAC) in each county [IC 33-38-9.5-4].  Local JRACs are required to promote the use of evidence-based and best practices in the areas of community-based sentencing alternatives and recidivism reduction; review, evaluate, and make recommendations about local practices (community-based corrections and jail overcrowding); compile reports as directed by the State JRAC; and communicate with the State JRAC to establish and implement best practices and to ensure consistent collection and reporting of data.

Indiana JRAC website:

2025 Meetings

All meetings are held at 20 W. Polk Street, Shelbyville, IN 46176 in the Probation Training Room.