Advocates Against Impaired Driving (AAID)
Advocates Against Impaired Driving will be held the following dates in Shelby County in the Probation Training Room, located at Annex II, 20 W. Polk Street, Shelbyville, IN 46176.
2025 Dates
- February 18, 2025 at 6:30 PM
- May 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM
- August 12, 2025 at 6:30 PM
- October 21, 2025 at 6:30 PM
Attendee Information
The Panel begins at 6:30 PM in the training room located at Shelby County Court Services, located at 20 W. Polk Street, Shelbyville, IN. (Annex Building 2). The cost of the panel is $50 payable at the beginning of the panel. You may pay by money order or cash only and no other forms of payment will be accepted. If paying my Money Order, make payable to AAID.
At the time you arrive enter through the Health Department doors on the right of the entry to Shelby County Court Services.
Please note that your attendance is mandatory, and you may not reschedule for any reason. If you fail to attend consequences will be imposed through the court in which you were ordered to participate.
Please read the following instructions carefully:
- Check in is between 6:00 and 6:20 PM. The panel starts promptly at 6:30 PM. You will not be permitted to come in after 6:30 PM if you arrive late.
- You MUST stay until the end of the panel to successfully complete the program.
- Children are not allowed to attend with you and there are no locations in which they can wait.
- Alcohol or drugs use is strictly prohibited, and you are subject to a portable breath test.
- Make sure to bring a picture ID with you for verification of your identity.