Acupuncture Licensing Information
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- Current: Acupuncture Licensing Information
Apply Online with MyLicenseOne
You will either need to register for or login to your Access Indiana account. Please read the below application instructions carefully. If you have held another IN license or have previously submitted an application, you must first link that record before you start a new application in MyLicense One. Just select "Don't see your License? Click here to Search for it." from the MyLicense One Dashboard.
Application Instructions
- Acupuncture Licensure
- Completed Application: Submit online.
- Application Fee of $150.00: Pay by credit or debit card. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application.
- Verification of State Licensure(s): The applicant must request a “License Verification or Letter of Good Standing” from each State/Country in which you currently are or have ever been licensed, certified, or registered in any regulated health profession or occupation. This includes all licenses etc., that are active, expired, inactive, retired, delinquent etc. In addition to any Acupuncture license/permit etc., this also pertains to any professional health license such as an EMT, Chiropractic, Dentist, Podiatrist, etc. If necessary or required by the other state, the applicant may print the verification form; contact the appropriate entities/States to see if they charge a fee for completing this form and send the form directly to them. They will in turn complete the verification and mail it directly to our office.
- Official Transcript/Certificate: Please upload at the time of application. The applicant must submit a transcript from the training program or acupuncture college program that is approved by the National Accreditation Commission for Schools and Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. An acupuncturist must show completion of three (3) years of postsecondary training.
Maryland Trade Center #3
7501 Greenway Center Drive, Suite 760
Greenbelt, MD 20770
(301) 313-0855
- Certification: Submit a copy of proof of current active status as a Diplomate in acupuncture of the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
76 South Laura Street, Suite 1290
Jacksonville, FL 32202
(904) 598-1005 Clean Needle Technique: All applicants must submit a copy of proof of completion of a clean needle technique course approved by the NCCAOM.
STATUTE AND RULES: Please view the statutes and rules on our Resources page.
ACUPUNCTURE SCHOOLS: Must be accredited by; is a candidate for accreditation by; or meets the standards of; the National Accreditation Commission for Schools and Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Their website is
FOREIGN TRAINED: Submit all notarized documents in the original language and include a notarized translation of the document. Both must be included.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
- Acupuncture Licensure for Licensed Chiropractor/Dentist/Podiatrist
Completed Application: Submit online.
- Application Fee of $150.00: Pay by credit or debit card. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application.
- Verification of State Licensure(s): The applicant must request a “License Verification or Letter of Good Standing” from each State/Country in which you currently are or have ever been licensed, certified, or registered in any regulated health profession or occupation. This includes all licenses etc., that are active, expired, inactive, retired, delinquent etc. In addition to any Acupuncture license/permit etc., this also pertains to any professional health license such as an EMT, Chiropractic, Dentist, Podiatrist, etc. If necessary or required by the other state, the applicant may print the verification form; contact the appropriate entities/States to see if they charge a fee for completing this form and send the form directly to them. They will in turn complete the verification and mail it directly to our office.
- Official Transcript/Certificate: Please upload at the time of application. The applicant must submit a transcript from the school or program which is an approved college or university of learning accredited by an accrediting agency that has been approved by the United States Department of Education where the applicant obtained two hundred (200) hours of acupuncture training.
ACUPUNCTURE SCHOOLS: Must be accredited by; is a candidate for accreditation by; or meets the standards of; the National Accreditation Commission for Schools and Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Their website is
STATUTE AND RULES: Please view the statutes and rules on our Resources page.
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
- Acupuncture Detox Specialist
Completed Application: Submit online.
- Application Fee of $10.00: Pay by credit or debit card. All application fees are nonrefundable.
- Criminal Background Check
- Positive Response Documentation: If you answer "Yes" to any questions on the application, explain fully in a statement that includes all details. Include the violation, location, date, cause number, and disposition. Submit copies of court documents for each instance to support the statement. If malpractice, provide the name(s) of the plaintiff(s). Please upload at the time of application.
- Name Change Documentation: Documentation of any legal name change if your name differs from that on any of your documents. Documentation may include a copy of your marriage certificate or divorce decree. Please upload at the time of application.
- Verification of State Licensure(s): The applicant must request a “License Verification or Letter of Good Standing” from each State/Country in which you currently are or have ever been licensed, certified, or registered in any regulated health profession or occupation. This includes all licenses etc., that are active, expired, inactive, retired, delinquent etc. In addition to any Acupuncture license/permit etc., this also pertains to any professional health license such as an EMT, Chiropractic, Dentist, Podiatrist, etc. If necessary or required by the other state, the applicant may print the verification form; contact the appropriate entities/States to see if they charge a fee for completing this form and send the form directly to them. They will in turn complete the verification and mail it directly to our office.
- Training Program: All applicants must submit a copy of documentation of successful completion of a board approved training program in acupuncture for the treatment of alcoholism, substance abuse, or chemical dependency that meets or exceeds the standards of training by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association.
- Diploma: All applicants must submit a copy of a high school diploma or general education development diploma.
- Clean Needle Technique: All applicants must submit a copy of proof of completion of a clean needle technique course approved by the NCCAOM.
- Supervisors: All applicants must submit a list of current and previous supervisors.
STATUTE AND RULES: Please view the statutes and rules on our Resources page.
TRAINING: The Board accepts programs approved by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. Their website is
The Fair Information Practice Act: In compliance with Ind. Code 4-1-6, this agency is notifying you that you must provide the requested information, or your application will not be processed. You have the right to challenge, correct, or explain information maintained by this agency. The information you provide will become public record. Your examination scores and grade transcripts are confidential except in circumstances where their release is required by law, in which case you will be notified.
Mandatory Disclosure of U.S. Social Security Number: Your social security number is being requested by this state agency in accordance with Ind. Code 4-1-8-1 and 25-1-5- 11(a). Disclosure is mandatory, and this record cannot be processed without it. Failure to disclose your U.S. social security number will result in the denial of your application. Application fees are not refundable.
Abandon Applications: If an applicant does not submit all requirements within one (1) year after the date on which the application is filed, the application for licensure is abandoned without any action of the Board. An application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application.
- Information Regarding Reciprocity
- Licensure by Reciprocity: The Board shall issue a license to an applicant if the applicant satisfies the following conditions:
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
- that state's or jurisdiction's requirements for a license are substantially equivalent to or exceed the requirements for a license of the Board; or
- when the person was licensed or certified by another state:
- there were minimum education requirements in the other state or jurisdiction;
- if there were applicable work experience and clinical supervision requirements in effect, the person met those requirements to be licensed in that state; and
- if required by the other state or jurisdiction, the person previously passed an examination required for the license or certification.
- Has not committed any act in any state or jurisdiction that would have constituted grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a license, certificate, registration, or permit to practice that occupation in Indiana at the time the act was committed.
- Does not have a complaint or an investigation pending before the regulating agency in another state or jurisdiction that relates to unprofessional conduct.
- Is in good standing and has not been disciplined by the agency that has authority to issue the license or certification.
- If a law regulating the applicant's occupation requires the board to administer an examination on the relevant laws of Indiana, the Board may require the applicant to take and pass an examination specific to the laws of Indiana.
- Pays any fees required by the Board for which the applicant is seeking licensure.
- Holds a current license from another state or jurisdiction; and
- Licensure by Reciprocity: The Board shall issue a license to an applicant if the applicant satisfies the following conditions:
Renewal Instructions
- Renewal Information
Renew online. Renewal notices are sent approximately ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date. Licensees with a valid email address on file will be emailed the renewal information. Licensees that do not have a valid email address on file will be mailed license renewal information. This notice is mailed to the licensee's address of record with the Board. By completing the renewal, you are verifying that the applicant holds a current active certification by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. A person who holds a license as an acupuncturist must renew biennially as required by IC 25-2.5-2-5.
A person who fails to renew his or her license within three (3) years after its expiration must reinstate their license. The following additional information is required:
- Reinstate Online!
- Documents to Upload:
- Proof of active NCCAOM
- Signed work history from the time your license expired to current
- Verification of all licenses you hold or have held
A renewal for chiropractors, dentists, and podiatrists shall be submitted to the agency on or before the date of the renewal of the primary license. Therefore the renewal of a:
- Chiropractor's Acupuncture License shall be submitted to the agency on or before July 1 of each even-numbered year simultaneously with the renewal of the chiropractor license;
- Dentist's Acupuncture License shall be submitted to the agency on or before March 1 of each even-numbered year simultaneously with the renewal of the dental license; and
- Podiatrist's Acupuncture License shall be submitted to the agency on or before June 30 of the fourth odd-numbered year simultaneously with the renewal of the podiatrist license.
The renewal fee shall be in addition to the renewal fee of the primary license.
Renew online. A person who holds a certification as an ADS must renew biennially as required by IC 25-2.5-2-5.
Your supervisor must renew prior to your renewing.
Exams & Testing
- National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Information about the required board examination process may be found on the NCCAOM Board Examination Process page.
Fee Schedule
- Acupuncture Applications/Renewals
Acupuncture Application/Renewal from 844 IAC 13-2-6 Fees Fee Penalty Total Licensed Acupuncturist Initial Application $150 NA $150 Acupuncture Detox Specialist Initial Application $10 NA $10 Acupuncturist DC Initial Application $150 NA $150 Acupuncturist DDS Initial Application $150 NA $150 Active Renewal for Licensed Acupuncturist - Prior to September 30 of even-numbered years $100 $50 $150 Active Renewal for Acupuncture Detox Specialist - Prior to September 30 of even-numbered years $20 $50 $70 Active Renewal for Acupuncture DC - Prior to July 1 of even-numbered years $100 $50 $150 Active Renewal for Acupuncturist DDS - Prior to March 1 of even-numbered years $100 $50 $150 Reinstatement for Licensed Acupuncturist - Expired over three years $250 NA $250 Reinstatement for Acupuncture Detox Specialist - Expired over three years $30 NA $30 Reinstatement for Acupuncturist DC - Expired over three years $250 NA $250 Reinstatement for Licensed Acupuncture - Expired over three years $250 NA $250 Reinstatement for Acupuncture DC - Expired over three years $250 NA $250 Reinstatement for Acupuncture DS - Expired over three years $30 NA $30 Reinstatement for Acupuncture DDS - Expired over three years $250 NA $250
Additional Information
- Applicant FAQs
- Question: Why must I provide my email address?
- Answer: We require an email address as we send all correspondence regarding your application, license, renewals etc by email. Please make sure you keep it current with us just as you would your mailing address.
- Question: I am out of state how do I go about getting my criminal back ground check?
- Answer: Select Criminal Background Check from the Menu and then select the Out of State Instructions.
- Question: I have a professional acupuncturist license do I need CE’s to renew it?
- Answer: A professional acupuncturist could be a Dentist, Podiatrist, or Chiropractor. You do not have to have CE to renew your acupuncture license, however you must have a current professional (DDS; DPM; Chiro) license in order to renew your acupuncture license. Your professional license may require CE.
- Question: I have an acupuncture and detoxification specialist license do I need CE to renew either of them?
- Answer: No, we do not require CE for either an acupuncture license renewal or a detoxification specialist renewal.
- Question: I am a physician. Do I need an acupuncture license to perform acupuncture?
- Answer: No, physicians and osteopathic physicians can perform acupuncture in Indiana under their Indiana medical license.
- Question: Why must I provide my email address?