If you own a property, single or multiple family residence, mobile home, hotel or motel, business, rental storage unit vehicle, watercraft, RV, or travel trailer where illegal drug lab has been located, you are required to have testing and/or decontamination completed to determine the contamination levels pursuant to 410 IAC 38-3-2.
The initial notification of the illegal drug lab is provided to the county health department by law enforcement in the county where the lab was located. You can find the contact information for the county health department at the following link: www.in.gov/isdh/24822.htm
Title 410 of the Indiana Administrative Code governs the required testing and clean-up of illegal drug lab properties.. You can also get information from the Indiana State Department of Health by email at druglabcleanup@isdh.in.gov or the following link: https://www.in.gov/isdh/26398.htm.
ISDH has a list of qualified inspectors on its website for you to use that can provide testing and/or clean-up services for your property. The list can be found at the following link: http://www.in.gov/isdh/27487.htm.
Additional information on cleaning up former drug labs can be found in the Cleaning Up Former Meth Labs handout.