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Summit on the Unserved

From the Summiton 8/9/2012

  • Summit on the Unserved Part 2 Presentation
  • "The Economic Impact of Libraries in Indiana." Indiana business Research Center. Nov. 2007.
    • Eighty-nine percent of Indiana community and business leaders agree that public libraries “significantly improve the local quality of life.”[agree 30% + strongly agree 59%] (p.40, table 20)
    • Seventy-two percent of Indiana community and business leaders agree that public libraries “significantly contribute to local economic prosperity” [agree 34% + strongly agree 38%]
    • Sixty-eight percent agree that public libraries “increase local residential property values” [48% agree + 20% strongly agree]

From the Summit on 7/11/12

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LDO JC 2-27-2025