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Donations Policy

The Indiana State Library Foundation acknowledges the great importance of gifts and donations to the State Library’s operations and to its future development. The Foundation gratefully accepts gifts and contributions for the development of State Library collections, programs, and services. Modest gifts are much appreciated, as are bequests, endowments, and larger contributions.

Any restrictions on gifts, including endowment funds, must be submitted in writing to the Indiana State Library Foundation and approved before such gifts can be accepted.

Prior to making any donation, please contact:

Indiana State Library Foundation
Attn: Gift/Donation Coordinator
140 N. Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
PH: (317) 232-3675


Donor Record for Monetary Gifts – please complete this form when making a monetary gift.
Donor Record and Deed of Gift for Non-monetary Donations – please complete this form when donating non-monetary gifts.

Types of Gifts the Library May Accept:

Unrestricted Monetary Gifts
Unrestricted monetary gifts will be used to purchase library materials or equipment, support library programs or collection development, or in other ways that assist the Library in its provision of services to the public.

Restricted Monetary Gifts & Endowments

Restricted monetary gifts and endowments will be used in a manner that is consistent with the restrictions and conditions placed on the donation.


When the Indiana State Library is included in a will or estate, funds will be used to support library services and collections. Any restrictions on use of the funds will be honored.

Personal & Real Property

Gifts of real property can only be accepted with consent of the majority of the Indiana Library and Historical Board. 

Gifts of personal property, such as art, portraits, antiques, collectibles, equipment, and other items may be accepted at the discretion of the Library Director or the Indiana Library and Historical Board.

Gifts of real and/or personal property are accepted with the understanding that the item may be sold, given away, or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the Indiana Library and Historical Board.  Any proceeds derived from such disposal may be used by the Library in a manner the Library deems most beneficial to its growth and development.

Library Materials

The Library welcomes library materials (books, periodicals, microform, manuscripts, etc.) for addition to its collection.  The Library accepts donations in accessible condition only: items must be dry, clean, and free of mold and pest infestation. Gifts of materials are accepted with the understanding that the Library reserves the right to determine whether the material should be added to the collection based on the Library’s Collection Development Policy and physical condition. If you have questions or concerns about the condition of items you would like to donate or how they might fit into our Collection Development Policy, please contact us for more information before bringing in your donation. If materials are accepted but not added to the collection, the Library will exercise the right to offer them to another library or otherwise dispose of the item(s).  Items will not be returned to the donor if accepted as a donation but not added to the collection.


Gifts given to the Foundation become the sole property of the Indiana State Library.  The donor is required to fill out a deed of gift relinquishing all ownership rights to materials and other donated personal property.  The Library will not return materials which are not added to the collection.

Tax Considerations:

Gifts made to the Library may be tax deductible.  Once a gift of real or personal property is accepted, the Library may not be able to accommodate an appraisal.  Thus, if you are considering a tax deduction and you wish to have your gift appraised, you should do so prior to making the donation.  The Library will not perform appraisals.  Acceptance of a gift which has been appraised does not in any way imply endorsement of the appraisal by the Library.

Acknowledgement of Gifts:

The Library may formally acknowledge the donor’s gift with a gift receipt or letter.  However, any gift receipt or letter of acknowledgement will not include a statement of value for non-monetary gifts.  If the donor wishes to have a list of items referenced in the acknowledgement, the donor should provide that list to the Library for attachment or inclusion in the acknowledgement letter. Public acknowledgement of gifts is at the discretion of the Library.

ADM SA 10-17-2024