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Indiana Digital Library

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Collection Development PolicyCollection RulesGovernanceOverDrive FAQsParticipating LibrariesPromotional Materials 

Public libraries in Indiana with legal service area population under 150,000 are eligible to join the Indiana Digital Library.  If you’re a library interested in enrolling, please email

Each participating library in the consortium shall be invoiced according to the fee schedule below. The annual participation fee shall be collected each year and allocated as follows: two-thirds (2/3) towards the selection of Advantage Plus content, one-third (1/3) toward the selection of digital content from a group pool.  Participating libraries may also select additional content subject to standard terms and pricing.

Annual Participation Fee for 2022 – 2024

Tier 1   Legal Service Area Population up to 5,000                                              $ 1,200 per year

Tier 2   Legal Service Area Population of 5,001 – 35,000                                    $ 3,000 per year

Tier 3   Legal Service Area Population of 35,001 – 70,000                                  $ 6,000 per year

Tier 4   Legal Service Area Population of 70,001 – 100,000                                $ 9,000 per year

Tier 5   Legal Service Area Population of 100,001 – 150,000                             $12,000 per year

We encourage all participating libraries to join the mailing list at v

Institute of Museum and Library Services

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services

TBBL SA 7-15-2024