Books and Printed Materials:
Bakken, J. Darrell.
"Now that time has had its say": a history of the Indianapolis Central Canal, 1835-2002.
1st Books Library, 2003
I 386.3 B168N
Benton, Elbert Jay.
The Wabash trade route in the development of the old Northwest.Johns Hopkins Press, 1903
I 977.2 B477W
Canal Fund Commissioners.
Indianapolis, 1835-1841.
I 626 I385f
Fatout, Paul.
Indiana canals.
West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 1985.
I 386 F254i
Meek, Thomas.
Profile of the Wabash and Erie Canal: Showing locks, aqueducts, major feeders,flood-gates, and waste-wiers.
Ft. Wayne: Anthony Wayne Printing, 1984.
I 627.13 M494p
Owen, Robert Dale.
Speech on internal improvements.
n.p. [1839?]
[I][f*] 335 O97S
Ward, Robert Wallace. The Wabash and Erie Canal: a beautiful dream.
R.W. Ward, 1983.
I 386.48 W262W
Central Canal. [196-?]
IP 626 no. 41 [Pamphlet]
Harlow, Alvin Fay. Indiana's canal heritage.
Ft. Wayne: Public Library of Ft. Wayne and Allen County, 1954.
Ip 386.4 no. 10 [Pamphlet]
An act to provide for the funded debt of the state of Indiana and for the completion of the Wabash and Erie Canal to Evansville: passed 19th January, 1846, and an act supplementary thereto, passed 27th January, 1847.
State of Indiana, 1847
Ip 626 no. 2 [Pamphlet]
Indiana canals: journal of the Canal Society of Indiana
I 386.48 I385C
Manuscript Collections: (See Manuscripts Catalog for additional information.)
- L354 / Beeson, Isaac W.
- L49 / Edwards, Elijah Evans
- S449 / Fauntleroy, R. H.
- L75 / Hovey, Edmund O.
- L118 / Noble, Noah
- L358 / Reser, William M.
- S1122 / Roberts, Bessie Keeran
- S1306 / Thompson, Lewis G.
- L160 / Tipton, John
U. S. Engineer Dept. Map and profile of part of a line for determining the practicability of uniting by a canal the rivers St. Joseph's, St. Mary's and Wabash, with the Ohio, through the valley of the White-water. 1826.
I 912.772 I26uma (1826) [small]
U. S. Engineer Dept. Profile of part of a route for the proposed Erie and Wabash canal exhibiting the line on the north side of the Wabash river. 1827.
I 912.772 I27upr (1827) no. 1-3 [small]
U. S. Engineer Dept. Map of the proposed route of a canal to connect Lake Erie and the Wabash River. 1827
I 912.772 I27UMA (1827) no. 4 [small]
Burr, David H. Map of Ohio and Indiana exhibiting the post office and post roads, canals, railroads, etc. Washington, 1839.
I 912.772 I39b (1839)
Indiana, 1846-1847. New York: H. Anstice and Co., 1847.
I 912.772 I47a (1847)
Water and wheels videorecording/WFBM-TV, director, Earl Schuman,
WFBM-TV(Television station:Indianapolis, Ind., 196-?]
I 386 W314
Indiana Waterwayss.n. 198-?]
I 386 I385W
Hudson, Clarence, and Thomas Meek
Indiana’s Canal Heritage, Presented by Canal Society of IndianaThe Society, [1992]
I 386 I385C
Paulson, Lynn
The Wabash-Erie Canal, where frogs their vigil keep.Produced and directed by Lynn Paulson a& Bob Schmidt
Canal Society of Indiana, 1994
I 386 W112C
- Canals
Clipping Files Headings:
- Canals--General
- Canals--Central
- Canals--Wabash and Erie
- Canals--Whitewater
Indianapolis Newspaper Index:
- Canals
- Waterways
- Indianapolis canal
- Whitewater Canal
- Wabash & Erie Canal
Supplementary Index:
- Canal boats
- Canals
IN MH 3-6-2013