County maps, atlases, and plat books can be retrieved by filling out a call slip for each item that you need and presenting it at the second floor reference desk. In addition to the call number and title, please indicate on the call slip the size of map you are requesting (large, small, or dissected).
912.772 I ViT 16 (1816) [small map]
Title: Old Terre Haute. Map.
Published: Terre Haute, 1923.
Full image available online
912.772 IViT54 [large map]
Title: Map of Terre Haute and Vicinity 1854
Do not pull
Full image available online
Map of Vigo County Indiana
(ISL does not own)
Property owners indicated
Full image available online
[Map Rm-L] ISLZ 912.772 IViT72 (1872) Part 1-4 [Large map]
Title: Map of Terre Haute, Ind.
Author: Richard Strout
Published: Towdy, (H.J.) & co.
Some property owners indicated
Full image available online
912.772 I385n 1975a [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Atlas map of Vigo county, Indiana. Index.
Author: Andreas, Alfred Theodore, 1839-1900.
Published: [Evansville, Ind. : Unigraphic, 1975].
Reprint of Atlas map of Vigo county, Indiana, 1874
912.772 V689 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Atlas map of Vigo county, Indiana.
Author: Andreas, Alfred Theodore, 1839-1900.
Published: Chicago : A.T. Andreas, 1874.
Full image available online
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IVi75c (1875) [small map]
Title: Map of Vigo County, Indiana
Note: Detached from: Seventh annual report of the Geological Survey of Indiana, made in the year 1874
912.772 IViT80b (1880) [small map]
Title: Panoramic view of Terre Haute, Ind. 1880
Author: Beck & Pauli
Published: [United States] : Maps of the Past, c2011
Original version: Milwaukee, Wis : Beck & Pauli, 1880
Available online
912.772 V689c [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: County of Vigo, Indiana, an imperial atlas and art folio, including chronological chart, statistical tables, and description of American system of rectangular survey.
Published: Richmond (Ind.), 1895.
Full image available through Ancestry - “U.S. Indexed County Land Ownership maps 1860-1918”
912.772 IVi00? (1900?) [small map]
Title: Vigo county, Indiana.
Published: n.p., [1900?].
[Map Rm-L] ISLZ 912.772 IVi02t (1902) [large map]
Title: Map of Vigo County, Indiana
Published: Terre Haute Express and Hixson Map Co.
Property owners indicated.
Full image available online
912.772 V689s [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Standard atlas of Vigo county, Indiana; including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county; map of the state, United States and world.
Published: Vigo atlas map co., 1907.
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
912.772 IViT07 (1907) [small map]
Title: Map of the city of Terre Haute, Indiana. Author: Moore and Langen, Printers, Terre Haute, Ind.
Published: Terre Haute, 1907.
912.772 IViT07m (1907) [small map]
Title: Map of the city of Terre Haute, Indiana.
Author: Moore-Langen Printing Co.
Published: Terre Haute, Ind. : Moore-Langen Ptg. Co., [between 1907 and 1910?].
Edition: Scale not given.
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
912.772 IVi09u (1909) [large map]
Title: Map of Vigo county showing rural delivery service.
Author: U.S.--Post office department.
Published: Wash., 1909.
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
912.772 IVi16 (1916) [small map]
Title: Road map of Vigo county.
Author: Anderson, H. C.
Published: n.p., 1916.
912.772 IVi19?n (1919?) [small map]
Title: Vigo County (Indiana).
Author: National Map Company.
Published: [1919?].
912.772 I385hp [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Hixson, W.W. & co.
Published: Rockford, Ill. : W.W. Hixson & co., [1920].
Material: 6 volumes; 21 cm x 28 cm.
Note: Maps which incorporate US highway numbering system were probably published after October 1, 1926, the date when that system went into effect in Indiana; plat books contain no publication dates and may not be available for all counties.
912.772 I385hp2 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: [Plat books of Indiana counties].
Author: Sidwell studio, Lombard, Illinois.
Published: Lombard, Ill. : Sidwell studio, [1925-1941].
Material: [92 pts.]; 21 x 28 cm.
Note: plat books contain no publication dates
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
912.772 IViT25k (1925) [small map]
Title: City of Terre Haute and Harrison township, Indiana, 1919.
Author: Koerner, Robert A.
Published: Terre Haute, Ind. : Viquesney Co., 1925.
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
912.772 IVi30m (1930) [small map]
Title: Map showing assigned area for no. 4 mine, Vigo County, Indiana.
Author: Miami Coal Company.
Published: 1930.
912.772 IVi31s (1931) [small map]
Title: Road map of Vigo County, Indiana.
Author: Vigo County, Indiana--Surveyor.
Edition: Revised October 1, 1931.
912.772 IVi32m (1932) [small map]
Title: Harrison's route through Vigo county, October 1811.
Author: Markle, Richard Theodore.
Published: [Terre Haute, Ind. : Author, 1932?].
912.772 IVi36?r (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Vigo county. Road.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
912.772 IVi36?c (1936?) [large map]
Title: Map of Vigo county. Cultural.
Author: Indiana--Highway Survey Commission.
Published: [Indianapolis?, 1936?].
Full image available online through Indiana Memory
912.772 IVi4-?u (194-?) [large map]
Title: [Map of] Vigo County, Indiana, [showing] rural delivery service.
Author: U.S.--Post Office Dept.
Published: [Washington, D.C., 194-].
912.772 IViT40?m (1940?) [small map]
Title: Map of city of Terre Haute, Indiana / Mid-Continent Petroleum Corporation.
Published: [Terre Haute, Ind.? : The Corporation, between 1940 and 1960].
Edition: Scale not given.
912.772 IVi42s (1942) [small map]
Title: Road map of Vigo County, Indiana.
Author: Vigo County, Indiana--Surveyor.
Edition: Rev. Jan. 1, 1942.
912.772 IVi49i (1949) [large map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Vigo County, Indiana.
Author: Indiana--State Highway Commission.
912.772 V689r 1958 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Farm plat book: Vigo County, Indiana
Author: Rockford Map Publishers.
912.772 IViT6-?w (196-?) [small map]
Title: Welcome to Terre Haute, Indiana, key city of the Wabash Valley; a city map with indexed streets, points of interest, highway routes ... includes Vigo County map.
Author: [Western States Map Company, Portland, Ore.].
Published: [Portland, Ore, 196-?].
912.772 IViT61?w (1961?) [small map]
Title: Welcome to Terre Haute, Indiana, key city of the Wabash Valley; a city map with indexed streets, points of interest, highway routes.
Author: [Western States Map Company, Portland, Ore.].
Published: [Portland, Ore, 1961?].
912.772 IViT63v (1963) [small map]
Title: Map of Terre Haute, Indiana, showing places of historical and cultural interest.
Author: Vigo County Historical Society.
Published: Terre Haute, Ind., 1963.
912.772 IViT67v (1967) [large map]
Title: Terre Haute, Indiana, zoning map.
Author: Vigo County (Ind.). Area Planning Dept.
Published: [Terre Haute, Ind.], 1967.
912.772 V689co [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Vigo county, Indiana, official farm plat book and directory.
Author: County Plat & Directory Co.
Published: LaPorte, Ind., c1967.
912.772 V689r [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Triennial atlas & plat book, Vigo County, Indiana.
Author: Rockford Map Publishers.
Published: Rockford, Rockford Map Publishers.
912.772 IVi71?j (1971?) [small map]
Title: Historic Vigo County, established in 1818.
Author: Jackson, John C.
Published: Seelyville, Ind., [1971?].
Subject: Indiana --Historic houses --Vigo county.
912.772 IVi71v (1971) [small map]
Title: Map of Vigo County, Indiana.
Author: Vigo County, Ind. Surveyor.
Published: [n.p.], 1971.
912.772 IVi75v (1975) [small map]
Title: Map of Vigo County, Indiana.
Author: Vigo County, Ind. Surveyor.
Published: [n.p.], 1975.
912.772 IViT77a (1977) [small map]
Title: Terre Haute.
Author: Ashburn Maps.
Published: Fort Worth, Tex. : Ashburn Maps, [1977].
Edition: 1977 ed.
Scale ca. [1:31,680].
912.772 IViT80a (1980) [small map]
Title: Terre Haute and vicinity, including Vigo County : official Arrow map
Published: Newton Upper Falls, Mass. : Arrow Pub. Co. ; [approximately 1980]
912.772 IViT81d (1981) [small map]
Title: Map of Terre Haute, Indiana / Directions Marketing Company, Inc.
Author: Directions Marketing Company.
Published: Terre Haute, Ind. : Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce, 1981.
Edition: Scale ca. [1:40,000].
912.772 C619cvp 1982 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Clay-Vigo Counties Indiana, plat book, index of owners, city street maps.
Author: Town & Country Publishing Co.
Published: La Porte, Ind. : Town & Country Publishing Co., 1982.
Edition: 1982 ed.
Scales vary.
912.772 IVi82 (1982) [small map]
Title: General highway and transportation map, Vigo County, Indiana / prepared by the Division of Planning, Indiana Department of Highways in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.
Author: Indiana. Dept. of Highways. Division of Planning.
Published: Indianapolis, Ind. : The Division, [1982].
Edition: Scale [1:160,000] ; Polyconic proj.
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IViT9-?t (199-?) [small map]
Title: Terre Haute, Indiana : including West Terre Haute, Riley, Vigo County, Indiana State University, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, and Sisters of Providence
Published: Cincinnati, OH : Spectrum Map Pub.
912.772 V689i [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Terre Haute/Danville industrial PinPointer.
Author: Industrial Map Company.
Published: Alexandria, KY : Industrial Map Co., c1995.
Edition: 1995-97 ed.
Scale not given.
912.772 C619g [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Clay/Vigo Counties, Indiana 1996 plat directory.
Author: Great Mid-Western Publishing Company.
Published: Dayton, Ohio : Great Mid-Western Pub. Co., 1996.
Edition: Scales differ.
[Map Rm-s] ISLZ 912.772 IViT97c (1997)
Title: Terre Haute, Indiana
Published: Community Graphics, 1997
912.772 IViT98?h (1998?) [small map]
Title: Terre Haute and Vigo County, Indiana.
Author: Hampton Publishing.
Published: Cincinnati, OH : Hampton Pub. ; Terre Haute, Ind. : [distributed by] The Greater Terre Haute Chamber of Commerce, [1998?].
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:39,000].
Scale [ca. 1:85,000].
912.772 C619g 1999 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Clay/Vigo Counties : Indiana plat directory, Indiana.
Author: Great Mid-Western Publishing Company.
Published: Dayton, Ohio : Great Mid-Western Pub. Co. ; Brazil, IN : distributed by Clay County Soil & Water Conservation District, c1999.
Edition: 1999 ed.
Scales differ.
912.772 V689t [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Terre Haute/Danville industrial PinPointer.
Author: Technigraphic Systems, Inc.
Published: Wooster, Ohio : Techni Graphic Systems, c2000.
Edition: 2000-2002 ed.
Scale not given.
912.772 IViT01u (2001) [small map]
Title: Terre Haute, Indiana street map : including Indiana State University, Riley, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Sisters of Providence, Vigo County, West Terre Haute, & neighboring communities.
Author: Universal Map (Firm).
Published: Cincinnati, OH : Hampton Publishing, [2001?].
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:38,000].
912.772 IViT01h (2001) [small map]
Title: Terre Haute, Indiana city map : including Indiana State University, Riley, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Sisters of Providence, Vigo County, West Terre Haute, plus neighboring communities.
Author: Hampton Publishing.
Published: [Chicago, Ill.] : Rand McNally, [2001].
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:38,000].
912.772 IViT03s (2003) [small map]
Title: Terre Haute, Indiana, city map : including Riley, West Terre Haute, plus Indiana State University, Rose Hulman Institute of Technology, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Vigo County.
Author: Seeger Map Co.
Published: [Chicago] : Rand McNally, c2003.
Edition: Scale [ca. 1:38,000].
912.772 C619g 2004 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Clay/Vigo County : plat directory, Indiana
Author: Great Mid-Western Publishing Company.
Published: Dayton, Ohio : Great Mid-Western Pub. Co., 2004
912.772 V689m 2014 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Vigo County, Indiana, 2014 plat book
Published: Mapping Solutions, 2014
912.772 V689m 2022 [Atlas & Plat Book Collection]
Title: Vigo County, Indiana, 2022 plat book
Published: Mapping Solutions, 2022
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