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Lead Service Line Inventory Funding


The Indiana Finance Authority ("IFA") recognizes that all Non-transient Non-Community Water Systems and all Community Water Systems are required to submit a LSL inventory prior to  October 165, 2024, which is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's compliance deadline for the Lead & Copper Rule Revisions. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management ("IDEM") will collect LSL Inventory data using its LSL inventory reporting template and online reporting portal, "PWS Portal": this template and it's instructions can be found here. To assist utilities, the IFA created programs.

For Community Water Systems that serve <1,000 service connections

All Community Water Systems with less than 1,000 service connections (and Non-transient Non-Community Water Systems) have access to the free Lead Service Line Inventory Technical Assistance Program ("LITAP") provided by the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water and its partner, Arcadis. For more information, visit the Alliance's LITAP website.

In addition, the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water is assisting utilities serving <1000 service connections with hydro-excavation needs related to validation. To apply, register for LITAP assistance at Alliance's website.

For Community Water Systems that serve > 700 services connections

For Community Water Systems with more than 700 service connections, the Indiana Finance Authority (“IFA”) established the Lead Service Line Inventory Funding Program to make funding opportunities available to water utilities seeking assistance in completing a Lead Service Line (“LSL”) Inventory.

The IFA LSL Inventory Funding Program was offered in two Rounds to ensure communities had time to develop eligible projects for initial development of an LSL inventory, planning or design work towards an LSL replacement plan, or validation work for an LSL inventory. The Round 1 application period ran from April 24, 2023 to June 9, 2023. The Round 2 application period ran from January 15, 2024 to February 29, 2024. By the end of Round 2, over 250 Community Water Systems received funding as part of this program. A third round is not currently anticipated.



Contact Information

For more information about:

  1. IDEM's PWS Portal and template, contact
  2. The IFA's LSL Inventory Funding Program for CWS> 1,000 service connection, contact
  3. The Alliance's Lead Inventory Technical Assistance Program for NTNCWS and CWS<1,000 service connections, contact the Alliance via their website