The Indiana Finance Authority (“IFA”), with assistance from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, has developed the Lead Sampling Program for Schools and Child Care Facilities (“Lead Sampling Program”) to help schools and child care facilities assess if there is a presence of lead in drinking water within their buildings.
This program is funded in part by the U.S. EPA's Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program Drinking Water Grant authorized under the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act and largely follows the U.S. EPA’s 3Ts guidance – Training, Testing, and Taking Action.
Fact Sheets
Use the button below to apply (application in WORD for your convenience here).
Lead Sampling Program Application
Prior to submitting an application, please review the IFA Lead Sampling Program steps for Participants, to understand expectations.
Enrolled Participants
You can find the list of enrolled schools and child care facilities here, along with a summary of testing results and remediation work. This list is updated quarterly.
In 2017-2018, the IFA conducted the Lead Sampling Program for Schools. You can find more information on this previous program by viewing the Final Report and the Summary of Enrollment, Results and Remediation Data.
Contact Information
Evan Fall
Project Manager, Water Programs
317-232-3195; efall1@ifa.in.gov
Sarah Hudson
Technical Assistance and Outreach Manager
317-232-2812; sahudson@ifa.in.gov
Joanie Jones
Administrative Assistant
317-234-1279; joajones@ifa.in.gov
Stephanie McFarland
Media inquiries
317-602-1546; stephanie@mcfarlandpr.com
Program Mailing Address:
100 North Senate Avenue, Rm. 1275
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Fax: 317-234-1338