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Private Sector Partnership

Joint Ventures

Indiana Correctional Industries continues its emphasis to increase incarcerated workers through joint ventures with private sector

Joint Ventures include partnerships with private sector businesses to manufacture or assemble their product within the walls and fences of the Indiana Department of Correction and to perform services.

Private industry traditionally relies upon its own plant and production facilities. Correctional industries are a viable alternative to meeting production needs. Businesses benefit from a dependable labor pool, ample production space, and capacity inside Indiana correctional facilities.

Businesses maintain their goal of quality products and services. The Indiana Correctional Industries labor force will cut no corners and will deliver high quality production to meet the standards of our partners. Production facilities are maintained with a high standard of cleanliness and professionalism and offer a safe and secure work environment.

When businesses choose to work with Indiana Correctional Industries, they access a pool of skilled individuals who are available and motivated to be trained. The incarcerated individuals receive excellent on-the-job training and supervision from skilled individuals who work side-by-side with them.


Services include repair, remanufacturing and refurbishing products, as well as, packaging. Work performed by incarcerated workers on products for private sector companies, that remain within the state, fall under the services category. Incarcerated individuals working in Services are paid the state wages.

PIECP Programs

Administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance within the U.S. Department of Justice, PIECP enables correctional facility administrators to establish joint ventures with private sector companies for the production of incarcerated individual-made goods involved in interstate commerce. PIECP participation is an effective way to curb idleness among an ever-increasing prison population and a cost-effective means of providing incarcerated individuals with marketable job skills. Additionally, taxpayers and the general public benefit from PIECP through reductions in incarceration costs, contributions to the Victims of Violent Crime Compensation Fund and deductions for federal, state, and local tax. Incarcerated individuals are paid the prevailing wage for the work done in the locality of the correctional facility.

Indiana Correctional Industries welcomes new partnerships and the opportunity to work with private business. For information, please contact Kristen Kane, Business Development & Contract Manager at