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Law Enforcement Support

LESO 1033 Program

The National Defense Authorization Act authorizes the Secretary of Defense to transfer excess Department of Defense (DOD) personal property to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies with special emphasis given to counter-drug and counter-terrorism initiatives.

For the purpose of this program, LEA's are defined as Government agencies whose primary function is the enforcement of applicable Federal, State, and Local Laws; and whose compensated law enforcement officers have the powers of arrest and apprehension.

If your LEA qualifies and chooses to participate, your organization will become one of over 17,646 (local, state, and federal), which have taken advantage of this unique program.

Available items include weapons, vehicles, protective clothing, night vision equipment, aircraft, and much more.  A shipping and handling fee is charged by DOD for weapons. M14's, M16's, and .45 caliber handguns are currently available through the 1033 program.

Contact Information

The law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) in Battle Creek, Michigan manages the 1033 Program for the Department of Defense.

David Lorencz
Eastern Region Team Lead
Phone: 1-800-532-9946 or 269-961-4962

Marshall Tullos
Director/1033 Program State Coordinator
Phone: 317-234-3690

Christina Hamilton
LESO Liaison
Phone: 317-234-3701
Office fax: 317-234-3699

General Mailing Address
Indiana State & Federal Surplus
LESO 1033 Program
601 W. McCarty Street, Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN 46225

Participating in the 1033 Program

Organizations interested in taking part in the 1033 Program must first complete the Application for Participation and the State Plan of Operations document (SPO; formerly the MOA) and return them to the Indiana State and Federal Surplus office via fax at 317-234-3699 or email

1033 Program Information and Links

1033 Program Related Resource

Night Vision Loan Program