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Our interactive giant (10’ x 10’) map and timeline (10’ x 12’) will help residents learn in a big way! Both will be used by schools, classrooms and organizations during the 2016 bicentennial celebration and beyond, displaying geographic and historical information about our state, country, world, and county. The map and timeline will become a resource to build a more literate community in terms of the bicentennial, the state, geography, economics, history, civics, social studies/sciences, landscape, peoples, landmarks, and more. Both will also be available online.
What do you consider the key accomplishment(s) of your Legacy Project?
Having the students of teacher Ron Alabaugh from Rockville High School and Turkey Run High School participate in creating the timeline that accompanies the map. The students were asked to help choose events that were relevant or best defined who and what was important in the history of Parke County.
How/where are you preserving information and artifacts related to your Legacy Project?
Total number of volunteers who participated.
Estimated dollar amount raised.
Esitmated dollar amount spent.