Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Volatiles (Gasoline Range)
This test includes compounds commonly found in gasoline.
Many of these volatile organic compounds are suspected human carcinogens.
- Local Health Departments
- Emergency Response
- State Agencies and Institutions
No Charge for Investigations by Local Health Departments, IDEM or other state agencies and institutions
2 – 40 mL vials for water sample
- All samples must be collected in 40 ml septum vials. These vials may be obtained by contacting the Indiana Department of Health at (317) 921-5580.
- With every set of sampling vials, the lab will supply reagent field blanks which should be kept unopened with the sample.
- At least two samples must be taken at each sampling site. If more than one site is to be sampled at any one location, then there must be two vials for each and every individual site at the location.
- The sample vials already contain 200 mg maleic acid (to bring the pH to 2). Please do not rinse these powders out.
- All samples should be taken such that there are no air bubbles in the vials. This is done by filling the vail up to slightly above the lip. Finally, the cap is gently tightened on the vial. The vial is then inverted to check for air bubbles. If any air bubbles are seen, the above procedure must be repeated until no air bubbles are seen. The sample must not contain air bubbles!
- When sampling from a water tap, open the tap and allow the system to flush until the water temperature has stabilized (usually about 5 min.). Adjust the flow to about 500 ml/min and collect samples from the flowing stream.
- When sampling from a well, fill a wide-mouth bottle or beaker with sample, and carefully fill the 40 ml sample bottles.
- The samples should be kept on ice (4ºC) and transported to the IDOH laboratory as quickly as possible. Appropriate request forms for the analyses must be completed and submitted along with the samples.
1 small glass jar for soils
Sample Containers -- 40mL screw cap vials each equipped with a PTFE-faced silicon septum. Solid preservatives will be in each vial for water collection.
- Collect all water samples in duplicate.
- Fill sample vials to overflowing.
- No air bubbles should pass through the sample as the bottle is filled or be trapped in the sample when the bottle is sealed.
- Seal the sample bottles and shake vigorously for 1 min.
- For soils, fill jar to top.
The samples must be chilled to 4°C on the day of collection and maintained at that temperature until analysis. Field samples that will not be received at the laboratory on the day of collection must be packaged for shipment with sufficient ice to ensure that they will be at 4°C on arrival at the laboratory.
Indiana Department of Health
Chemistry Laboratories
550 W. 16th Street, Suite B
Indianapolis, In 46202
Results will be e-mailed to the submitter within 15 business days.
Please email