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- Social Media Policy
DOR’s social media accounts are used to promote agency activities, events and programs. The agency’s goal is to share information with customers. DOR welcomes engagement by the public on social media at any time; however, when engaging with DOR through social media, you agree to the following:
DOR social media accounts are hosted by web services not owned by the state of Indiana and have different privacy and security policies. DOR does not endorse and is not responsible for content, viewpoints, products, or services offered or expressed on websites not owned by Do not report tax fraud to DOR through social media; if you suspect tax fraud, follow DOR tax fraud reporting guidelines.
Do not disclose sensitive information to DOR on social media (e.g., Social Security or driver's license numbers). Any information posted is at the user’s own risk. DOR is not responsible for any damage(s) caused. Continuous violations of this policy may result in the removal of user-created content from a social media platform, a user being banned from interacting on DOR social media platforms, and/or an abuse report filed with the social media platform itself. These actions may occur without warning and at DOR's discretion. DOR accepts comments but is not obligated to respond. DOR can remove user-generated content and/or images that include [but are not limited to]:
- Advertising
- Confidential information
- Defamatory and/or discriminatory language
- Incitement to violence and/or threats
- Malware, ransomware, and/or other suspicious links and content
- Political and/or religious statements
- Spam
- Violations and/or promotion of illegal activity
- Violations of intellectual property rights