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Next Level Conservation Trust Review Process

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A guiding principle is that all proposed NLCT projects, from whatever sources, are subject to the same criteria and the same review process.

All NLCT proposals, from whatever sources, shall first be referred to the PBHCT Executive Director, acting as the NLCT Program Manager, for review for correctness of form, structure and completeness, and for communication with applicants to correct any deficiencies.

The PBHCT Executive Director shall refer all qualifying NLCT proposals to the Land Bureau Deputy Director and DNR Division Directors for evaluation based on the approved NLCT criteria. The DNR Division Directors will complete a project evaluation/scoring form.

No NLCT project application will be placed on the PBHCT Project Committee’s agenda for review until the application has been reviewed by the Executive Director and appropriate Division Director or Deputy Directors

The NLCT applicant will be informed if the proposed project is ready for the Project Committee’s consideration.  Readiness should include a determination of the property owner(s) willingness to sell or donate the property and the availability of match funding.

If a NLCT project qualifies, the applicant will be notified of the date, time, and place when the project will be reviewed by the PBHCT Project Committee. The applicants are requested to come to the PBHCT Project Committee meeting for the review so the applicant can discuss the merits of the project with the PBHCT Project Committee and answer any questions the committee may have.

If the PBHCT Project Committee recommends the project for funding, it will be sent to the DNR Director for approval and then forwarded by the DNR Director to the Governor. Notification of acceptance or rejection of the proposed NLCT project by the Governor will be made by mail.

The PBHCT Project Committee may waive or alter NLCT guidelines throughout the life of the program with the consent to the DNR Director

Where to send NLCT project proposals and application deadline schedule

Complete NLCT project proposal forms and documentation must be delivered to the Next level Conservation Trust Program, Program Manager, 402 W. Washington St., Executive Office, Room W-256, Indianapolis, IN 46204-2748, and postmarked by the deadline date. Project proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for that proposal period but can be resubmitted for the next one.

Deadlines for submission of project proposals to the NLCT Project Committee are: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. The Project Committee meets quarterly to consider project proposals for recommendation to the Project Committee. Based on the timeframes necessary to complete the NLCT program it may be advisable or necessary to have PBHCT Project Committee meeting more often than quarterly.

Open meetings

All meetings of the PBCHT Project Committee are open to the public by law. NLCT applicants of qualified projects will be informed of the date on which their project will be considered by the PBCHT Project Committee. The applicant is expected to present the project in a brief and concise manner. Photos and maps are encouraged. If you have any questions you may contact:

Mark Becker
Director of the DNR Land Acquisition Division
317-234-8494 or

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