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Department HeadDirector
Tara Smith
Contact InformationPhone: (574) 732-2586 
Fax: (574) 739-0241
LocationCass County Government Building
520 High Street, 2nd Floor 
Logansport, IN 46947

Board Members

Mike Deitrich


Shawn Shoemaker

Council Representative

Ed Schroder

Cass Co Sheriff

Rocky Buffum

EMA Director

Brady Wiles

EMS Director

Jason Miller, Fire Chief

Logansport Mayor's Appointment

Travis Yike

Logansport Police Chief

Meetings & Minutes


Cass County is divided into 4 quadrants, a north/south meridian divides the county east and west (this would be SR17 north of Logansport and the Carroll/Cass county line south of CR500S). An east/west division line divides the county north and south ( this would be roughly US24 through the county). All addresses in Cass County outside the limits of the incorporated towns start at one of these lines.

To determine the location of an address in the county, look at the address to determine which quadrant it would be in (ie: 2255W CR600N), this address is west and north, so it is located in the Northwest quadrant of the county. A north and east address would be located in the Northeast quadrant, etc. Know the boundaries of the county, this will help to determine if an address you are searching for is actually in Cass County, ( i.e., 1420E CR700N could not be in Cass County since our county line to the east is 1100E.)

Indiana launches ALERT notification service.


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