Family Violence Prevention and Services Act
- Victim Services
- Current: Family Violence Prevention and Services Act
Family Violence Prevention and Services Act
Grant Status Closed
The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) program is the primary federal funding stream dedicated to the support of emergency shelter and related assistance for victims of domestic violence and their children. The FVPSA funds are designed to assist states in their efforts to support the establishment, maintenance, and expansion of programs and projects to 1) prevent incidents of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence; 2) provide immediate shelter, supportive services, and access to community-based programs for victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents; and 3) provide specialized services for children exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, including victims who are members of underserved populations.
Eligible Entities
Eligible entities include local public agencies or nonprofit private organizations (including faith-based and charitable organizations, community-based organizations, tribal organizations, and voluntary associations) that assist victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents, and have a documented history of effective work concerning family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence. Nonprofit private organizations include:
- faith-based and charitable organizations
- community-based organizations
- tribal organizations
- voluntary associations
If selected, FVPSA grantees must protect the privacy and confidentiality of those being provided services and must adhere to all of the requirements outlined in the request for proposal.
All grants from ICJI Victim Services are reimbursement grants.
Required Allocations
The FVPSA program requires that ICJI award a percentage of funds to residential and non-residential domestic violence programs.
Not less than 70% of the total funds awarded must be to programs whose primary purpose is to provide immediate shelter and supportive services to adult and youth victims (residential programs).
Not less than 25% of the total funds awarded must be to programs whose primary purpose is to provide supportive services and prevention services (non-residential programs).
- Award Period
- Priority Areas
- Purpose Areas
- Match Requirements
- Allowable Activities and Costs
- Ineligible Expenses
- Application Attachments
The award period for the current solicitation is: October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025.
Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 10407(a)(2)(B)(iii), the state will give special emphasis to the support of community-based projects of demonstrated effectiveness that are carried out by nonprofit private organizations and that have as their primary purpose the operation of shelters for victims of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence, and their dependents; or provide counseling, advocacy, and self-help services to victims of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence, and their dependents.
Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 10408(a) and 42 U.S.C. § 10408(b)(1)(A)), funds under this program must be used to prevent incidents of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence by providing immediate shelter and supportive services for adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence (and their dependents), and that may provide prevention services to prevent future incidents family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence.
FVPSA funds awarded shall be used for the following purposes:
- Provision, on a regular basis, of immediate shelter and related supportive services to adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents, including paying for the operating and administrative expenses of the facilities for such shelter (42 U.S.C. § 10408(b)(1)(A);
- Assistance in developing safety plans and supporting efforts of victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence to make decisions related to their ongoing safety and well-being (42 U.S.C.§ 10408(b)(1)(B));
- Provision of individual and group counseling, peer support groups, and referral to community-based services to assist family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence victims, and their dependents, in recovering from the effects of the violence (42 U.S.C. § 10408(b)(1)(C));
- Provision of services, training, technical assistance, and outreach to increase awareness of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence, and increase the accessibility of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence services (42 U.S.C. § 10408(b)(1)(D));
- Provision of culturally and linguistically appropriate services (42 U.S.C. § 10408(b)(1)(E));
- Provision of services for children exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, including age-appropriate counseling, supportive services, and services for the non-abusing parent that support that parent’s role as a caregiver, which may, as appropriate, include services that work with the non-abusing parent and child together (42 U.S.C. § 10408(b)(1)(F));
- Provision of advocacy, case management services, and information and referral services concerning issues related to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence intervention and prevention, including: 1) assistance in accessing related federal and state financial assistance programs; 2) legal advocacy to assist victims and their dependents; 3) medical advocacy, including provision of referrals for appropriate health care services (including mental health, alcohol, and drug abuse treatment), which does not include reimbursement for any health care services; 4) assistance locating and securing safe and affordable permanent housing and homelessness prevention services; 5) provision of transportation, child care, respite care, job training and employment services, financial literacy services and education, financial planning, and related economic empowerment services; and 6) parenting and other educational services for victims and their dependents (42 U.S.C. § 10408(b)(1)(G)); and
- Provision of prevention services, including outreach to underserved populations (42 U.S.C. § 10408(b)(1)(H)).
Matching or cost sharing means the portion of the project costs not paid by federal funds. Match is typically stated as a percentage of the total project costs for an award.
Grants awarded through the FVPSA program are subject to the matching requirements in 42 U.S.C. § 10406(c)(4). No grant shall be made to any entity other than a State or Tribe unless the entity agrees that, with respect to the cost to be incurred by the entity in carrying out the program or project for which the grant is awarded, the entity will make available (directly or through donations from public or private entities) non-federal contributions in an amount that is not less than $1 for every $5 of federal funds provided under the grant or 20% of the project cost. The non-federal contributions required may be in cash or in kind.
Step 1: Award Amount ÷ % of Federal Share = Total Project Cost
Step 2: Total Project Cost x % of Recipient Share = Required Match
Example: A grant recipient is awarded $150,000 in federal funding. The match requirement is an 80/20 ratio (federal percentage/recipient percentage).
$150,000 ÷ 0.80 = $187,500 Total project cost
$187,500 × 0.20 = $37,500 Recipient share (required match)
Additionally, matching funds must:
- Be verifiable from the subgrantee’s records;
- Not be included as contributions for any other federal award;
- Be necessary and reasonable for the accomplishment of the project or program objectives;
- Be allowable under 45 C.F.R. Part 75;
- Not be paid by the federal government under another federal award, except where authorized by federal statute;
- Be included in the subgrantee’s approved budget; and
- Conform to all other provisions of 45 C.F.R. Part 75.
Match is restricted to the same use of funds as allowed for federal funds. If an expenditure is not allowable with federal funds, it is not allowable with match funds. Applicants must identify all sources of the non-federal portion of the total project costs (i.e., match funds), and explain how the match funds will be used in the budget narrative section of the application within IntelliGrants.
Personnel, employee benefits, and cost of supplies and travel to perform the following activities are allowable costs:
- Prevention services such as outreach, support of parents, employment training, educational services, promotion of good nutrition, disease prevention, and substance abuse prevention.
- Counseling with respect to family violence, counseling or other supportive services provided by peers, either individually or in groups, and referral to community social services.
- Safety plan development and supporting the efforts of victims to make decisions related to their ongoing safety and well-being.
- Culturally and linguistically appropriate services such as interpreters and/or having documents translated into other languages.
- Technical assistance for victims with respect to obtaining financial assistance under Federal and State programs.
- Housing advocacy to assist in locating and securing safe and affordable permanent housing and homeless prevention services.
- Medical advocacy including referrals for healthcare services (including mental health, alcohol, and drug abuse treatment) but shall not include reimbursement for any healthcare services.
- Legal advocacy to provide victims with information and assistance through the civil and criminal courts, and legal assistance.
- Children’s counseling and support services, and childcare services for children who are victims of family violence of the dependents of such victims, and children who witness domestic violence.
The following costs are allowable for shelters who provide emergency housing to victims:
- Operating expenses (rent, utilities, etc.) of the facilities for a shelter at a prorated amount.
- Supplies for a shelter including food, clothing, and toiletries.
The following costs are allowable for the purpose of preventing future incidence of violence:
- Transportation including public transportation, ride share, car repairs, or gas cards.
- Temporary refuge for emergency and immediate shelter including safe homes, rental subsidies, and hotel vouchers. This does not include transitional or permanent housing.
The budget items listed below are ineligible and will not be supported by this program’s funding:
- Direct financial assistance to a client such as cash, gift cards, or checks.
- Moving costs for victims.
- Food and beverages except emergency food and beverages for victims.
- Lobbying.
- Fundraising (including financial campaigns, endowment drives, solicitation of gifts and bequests, and similar expenses incurred solely to raise capital or obtain contributions) and time spent procuring funding including completing federal and state funding applications.
- Purchase of real estate.
- Construction.
- Physical modification to buildings, including minor renovations (such as painting or carpeting).
- Purchase of vehicles.
- Total Agency Budget: If the applicant agency is a nonprofit, nongovernmental entity, please complete and upload a “Agency Basic Budget (non-profit applicant budget form)”. Be sure to complete both the Organizational tab and the Employee tab. The form can be found on the ICJI website here. This does not apply to units of government.
- Indirect Cost Rate: If the applicant agency has a federally approved indirect cost rate, ICJI will accept this rate. You must provide ICJI with a copy of the approval letter showing the rate and effective date. If the applicant elects to use the de minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct costs (MTDC), then you must provide a list of indirect costs and the calculation used to determine the amount charged.
- Sustainability Plan: Please attach a document detailing the Applicant’s plan to maintain the program once the grant fund period expires.
- Timeline: Please attach a timeline for the completion of the Project and/or expenditure of the grant funds.
- Letters of Endorsement: Please attach at least one letter of endorsement evidencing community support for the Applicant’s FVPSA program.
- Miscellaneous
- If applying for funds for personnel costs, attach the relevant job descriptions.
- If applicable, attach other requested information.
Subrecipients are required to submit programmatic reports based on their specified timeline. To submit a report via IntelliGrants, click the link below.
- 2021 Awards
Number of Awards: 36
Total Amount Awarded: $2,173,819Organization County Award Amount Adams Wells Crisis Center Adams $27,630 Amani Family Services Allen $45,387 Center for Nonviolence, Inc. Allen $56,516 YWCA Northeast Indiana Allen $128,706 Columbus Regional Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence, Inc. Bartholomew $104,972 A Better Way Services, Inc. Delaware $122,351 Crisis Connection, Inc. Dubois $48,026 The Center for Women and Families Floyd $35,436 Hope Springs Safe House, Incorporated Fountain $22,502 Family Service Society Grant $61,661 Prevail Inc. of Hamilton County Hamilton $43,681 Family Service Association of Howard County, Inc Howard $63,472 North Central Indiana Rural Crisis Center, Inc. Jasper $30,623 Kosciusko County Shelter for Abuse, Inc. DBA Beaman Home Kosciusko $66,064 St. Jude House, Inc. Lake $71,881 Haven House, Inc. Lake $21,099 Stepping Stone Shelter for Women, Incorporated LaPorte $55,490 Alternatives Incorporated of Madison County Madison $94,007 Beacon of Hope Center for Women Marion $42,396 Children's Bureau Marion $95,493 Coburn Place SafeHaven II Inc. Marion $52,849 The Julian Center, Inc. Marion $100,312 The Salvation Army Marion $24,405 Middle Way House, Inc. Monroe $77,654 Family Crisis Shelter Montgomery $57,886 Desert Rose Foundation, Inc. Morgan $32,000 Prisoner & Community Together, Inc. Orange $53,804 The Caring Place Porter $21,820 Putnam County Family Support Services Putnam $62,982 Safe Passage, Inc. Ripley $55,609 Rush County Victims Assistance, Inc. Rush $6,051 YWCA North Central Indiana St. Joseph $78,204 YWCA Greater Lafayette Tippecanoe $81,412 Albion Fellows Bacon, Inc. Vanderburgh $87,599 YWCA of Evansville, IN Inc. Vanderburgh $84,938 Council on Domestic Abuse, Inc. Vigo $58,902 - Past RFPs
FVPSA 2023-2024 Update to Program Reports
In this webinar, ICJI’s Victim Services Division discussed updates to the 2023-2024 FVPSA grant report
Technical Assistance
For technical assistance with submitting an application, contact the ICJI Helpdesk, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET, except state holidays. ICJI is not responsible for technical issues with grant submission within 48 hours of grant deadline.
FVPSA Clients Served
As the State Administering Agency, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute is responsible for administering FVPSA funds. Click the link below to see who is being served and what services are being delivered. This dashboard reflects quarterly program report data as entered by subgrantees and is combined with quarterly DVPT data.