- Victim Services
- Current: DVPT
Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment Grant program
Grant Status Closed
The Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment (DVPT) Grant program was created by the Indiana General Assembly (IC 5-2-6.7) in 1992 to support Indiana’s domestic violence centers. Funds may be used in the following ways: (1) to establish and maintain domestic violence prevention and treatment centers, (2) to develop and establish training programs for professional, paraprofessional or volunteer personnel who are engaged in areas related to the problems of domestic violence, and (3) to develop and implement the means for prevention and treatment of domestic violence.
Eligible Entities
Nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations and public social service entities who provide services to victims of domestic violence may apply for funding. An entity is eligible to receive funding if it furnishes, agrees to furnish, or arranges with a third party to furnish all the following services:
- Emergency shelter provided either at the agency’s facility or by arrangement at temporary residential facilities available in the community, that are available to a person who fears domestic or family violence.
- A twenty-four (24) hour telephone system to provide crisis assistance to a person threatened by domestic or family violence.
- Emergency transportation services, if necessary, to aid victims of domestic or family violence.
- Information, referral, and victim advocacy services in the areas of health care assistance, social and mental health services, family counseling, job training and employment opportunities, legal assistance, and counseling for dependent children.
Funding Availability
Awards provided by this this solicitation are for a twenty-four (24) month period of funding. This program is funded by the Indiana General Assembly through the state’s biennial budget.
The submitted budget will need to reflect Year 1 and Year 2 of funding on every expense. Funds designated under Year 1 must be spent in Year 1 and will not be available in Year 2. The same is true of Year 2. Funds designated under Year 2 will not be available in Year 1. During any Project Modification Request, funds will not be able to be moved between years.
DVPT is a reimbursement-based grant. If selected, subrecipients must protect the privacy and confidentiality of those being provided services and must adhere to all of the requirements outlined in the request for proposal.
The award period for the upcoming grant cycle is July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2027.
Allowable activities and costs are those that support the operations and services delivered to victims of domestic violence, family violence and dating violence statewide. These activities include:
- Supporting the operations and service delivery of residential and nonresidential domestic violence programs statewide. These activities include:
- Providing emergency shelter. Shelter may be provided either at a residential facility or by arrangement at temporary residential facilities available in the community.
- Providing 24-hour crisis intervention, information and referral, support, and advocacy.
- Providing emergency transportation services.
- Providing information, referral, and victim services in the areas of housing, health care advocacy, social and mental health services, family counseling, job training and employment opportunities, and legal assistance and counseling for dependents.
- Retaining and/or expanding agency staffing to support program activities.
- Expanding basic domestic violence services to underserved and unserved communities. Basic services may be provided by shelters, satellite offices operated by an existing program, and/or non-residential service providers who provide advocacy services.
- Developing and establishing a primary prevention initiative that addresses risk and protective factors related to domestic violence.
- Primary prevention initiatives are defined as systematic processes that promote safe and healthy environments and behaviors. Primary prevention strategies seek to prevent first-time perpetration or victimization, (i.e., teen dating violence, healthy relationships).
- Developing and establishing training programs for professionals, paraprofessionals, or volunteers who are engaged in the areas related to the prevention or intervention of domestic violence. Training includes training others in the community as well as staff and volunteer training.
- Developing a coordinated effort to address the system response to domestic violence. A system response can include:
- Collaboration with local or statewide agencies and organizations that interface with survivors.
- Providing technical assistance to agencies that work with survivors.
- Participating or collaborating with a local task force, commission, or advisory council to address domestic violence.
- Increasing organizational capacity through meeting data collection and technology needs.
- Providing or coordinating language access services for victims/survivors of domestic violence. Language access allows for people with limited English proficiency to use and benefit from a wide range of services. Any organization that receives funding is required to provide language access to its services. Types of language access services include in-person (face-to-face) interpreting, remote (telephone and video) interpreting, and document translation.
- Overtime or on-call time for grant funded staff is an allowable cost, but to claim the different rate of pay, there must be a separate line item in the budget that includes the rate of pay for that time.
- Prevention services such as outreach, training and education in parenting, employment training, educational services, promotion of good nutrition, disease prevention, and substance abuse prevention.
- Counseling with respect to family violence, counseling or other supportive services provided by peers, either individually or in groups, and referral to community social services.
- Safety plan development and supporting the efforts of victims to make decisions related to their ongoing safety and well-being.
- Culturally and linguistically appropriate services such as interpreters and/or having documents translated into other languages.
- Technical assistance with respect to assisting victims with obtaining financial assistance under Federal and State programs.
- Housing advocacy to assist in locating and securing safe and affordable permanent housing and homeless prevention services.
- Medical advocacy including referrals for healthcare services (including mental health and alcohol and drug abuse treatment) but shall not include reimbursement for any healthcare services.
- Legal advocacy to provide victims with information and assistance through the civil and criminal courts, and legal assistance.
- Children’s counseling and support services, and childcare services for children who are victims of family violence or the dependents of such victims, and children who witness domestic violence.
- Operating expenses (rent, utilities, etc.) of victim service facilities at a prorated amount.
- Supplies for facilities including office supplies, cleaning supplies, and victim supplies (clothing, toiletries, etc.).
- Emergency flexible funding to support survivors’ immediate financial needs.
- Emergency financial assistance is defined as financial assistance that assists survivors with re/establishing their lives free of domestic violence.
- Assistance may include, but is not limited to, rental assistance, utility deposits, or transportation costs.
- Funds may not be used as a direct payment to any victim; thus, the domestic violence program would have to pay the cost directly to a third-party vendor. Subrecipients should have an established policy in place to make these funds available to all program participants; to ensure these funds meet a reasonable, basic need.
- A victim financial assistance request form must be submitted with all requests for reimbursement. An example of a financial assistance request can be found on the ICJI website.
Personnel, employee benefits, and cost of supplies, equipment, and travel to perform the following activities are allowable costs for providing services to victims of domestic violence, family violence and dating violence.
The following are other expenses that are allowable for reimbursement when providing services to victims of domestic violence:
The following budget items listed below are ineligible and will not be supported by this program’s funding:
- Direct financial assistance to a client such as cash or gift cards.
- Food and beverages except emergency food and beverage for victims.
- Lobbying.
- Fundraising (including financial campaigns, endowment drives, solicitation of gifts and bequests, and similar expenses incurred solely to raise capital or obtain contributions) and time spent procuring funding including completing federal and state funding applications.
- Purchase of real estate.
- Construction and physical modification to buildings, including minor renovations (such as painting or carpeting).
- Purchase of vehicles.
- Indirect cost rate and/or de minimis rate.
Webinar on the 2023-2025 DVPT
ICJI's Victim Services Division recently conducted a webinar on the 2023-2025 DVPT grant that covered a basic overview of the program, important highlights and what to know before applying. Watch the webinar and view links to the PowerPoint presentation and information captured during the attendee Q&A
Reporting Requirements
Grant recipients are required to submit quarterly programmatic and fiscal reports through IntelliGrants. Program reports contain information related to the grant program’s performance measures. Fiscal reports contain financial information related to grant expenditures and claims for reimbursement of approved budget expenses. Fiscal reports must include adequate documentation of expenses and proof of payment.
Webinar on the DVPT Reporting Requirements
ICJI's Victim Services Division has revised and updated the DVPT Program report, which will be used for the 2023-2025 grant cycle.
Watch the webinar and view links to the PowerPoint presentation, program template, and information captured during the attendee Q&A
- 2023 Awards
Number of Awards: 42
Total Amount Awarded: $16,730,920.23Organization County Award Adams Wells Crisis Center Adams $75,272.66 Center for Nonviolence, Inc. Allen $571,718.71 YWCA Northeast Indiana Allen $617,001.79 Columbus Regional Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence, Inc. Bartholomew $709,561.00 A Better Way Services, Inc. Delaware $562,737.97 Crisis Connection, Inc. Dubois $481,355.51 The Center for Women and Families, Inc. Floyd $170,329.51 Hope Springs Safe House, Incorporated Fountain $64,070.95 Grant Blackford Mental Health, Inc. Grant $343,622.35 Prevail Inc. of Hamilton County Hamilton $252,345.24 Sheltering Wings Center for Women Hendricks $448,610.76 Family Service Association of Howard County, Inc Howard $354,581.64 North Central Indiana Rural Crisis Center, Inc. Jasper $218,133.97 Jennings County Council on Domestic Violence Jennings $227,135.61 Children and Family Services Corporation Knox $145,155.00 Kosciusko County Shelter for Abuse, Inc. DBA Beaman Home Kosciusko $524,566.48 The Stepping Stone La Porte $210,792.62 Elijah Haven Crisis Intervention Center, Inc. LaGrange $210,040.36 Haven House, Inc. Lake $175,646.44 St. Jude House, Inc. Lake $286,122.90 Alternatives Incorporated of Madison County Madison $662,391.25 Coburn Place SafeHaven II Inc. Marion $626,190.00 Beacon of Hope Crisis Center Marion $751,518.33 Children's Bureau Marion $563,377.31 Domestic Violence Network Marion $195,065.80 Latino Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence Incorporated Marion $230,467.06 The Julian Center, Inc. Marion $817,324.21 The Salvation Army Marion $417,803.21 Middle Way House, Inc. Monroe $534,008.58 Family Crisis Shelter, Inc. Montgomery $240,913.98 Desert Rose Morgan $199,452.00 The Caring Place Porter $297,578.60 Putnam County Family Support Services Putnam $293,262.70 Safe Passage, Inc. Ripley $646,918.33 Rush County Victims Assistance, Inc. Rush $50,396.22 Family Justice Center of St. Joseph County, Inc St. Joseph $361,014.00 YWCA North Central Indiana St. Joseph $517,239.66 YWCA Greater Lafayette Tippecanoe $440,372.78 Albion Fellows Bacon Center, Inc Vanderburgh $447,233.41 YWCA of Evansville, IN Inc. Vanderburgh $780,087.52 Council on Domestic Abuse, Inc. Vigo $438,597.82 Prisoner & Community Together, Inc. Washington $570,906.00
Technical Assistance
For technical assistance with submitting an application, contact the ICJI Helpdesk, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET, except state holidays. ICJI is not responsible for technical issues with grant submission within 48 hours of grant deadline.
DVPT Clients Served
As the State Administering Agency, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute is responsible for administering DVPT funds. Click the link below to see who is being served and what services are being delivered. This dashboard reflects quarterly program report data as entered by subgrantees and is combined with quarterly FVPSA data.